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Enterprise Access Policies in Gitana 4.0 (Part 2)

In this article, we'll continue our series on Access Policies within Gitana. We'll take a few interesting and more complex examples of how Access Policies may be used to guarantee compliance witih enterprise security requirements. In the previous article, we left off looking at how you can grant access to content using Access Policies that are defined at either a Platform or Project-level. Platform-scoped policies can be written once and applied across all of your Projects. In this way, you can

Score: 2.4228783

Enterprise Access Policies in Gitana 4.0 (Part 1)

In this article, we'll take a look at Access Policies -- a powerful, new feature in Gitana 4.0 that allows organizations to set up and guarantee compliance with complex, enterprise-wide security requirements. Access Policies build upon the existing access control facilities provided which include per-object ACLs and broader, team-based ACLs. They extend those capabilities by allowing administrators to express access rights in a broad sweeping and prescriptive manner -- one that allows for custom

Score: 2.36617

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Workflow / How to Start a Workflow

How to Start a Workflow Note: 1. A Workflow model is defined at Platform level and is available within all projects 2. See workflow video: Example There are a number ways to start a workflow. Here is just one: open a document Click 'Workflows' and then ‘+Start Workflow’ This will bring up the Start Workflow Form. Complete the fields in the form. Notes: In our example, the Adhoc Workflow, you will need another person/member in the project

Score: 2.1987376

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Workflow / How to Start a Workflow

How to Start a Workflow Note: 1. A Workflow model is defined at Platform level and is available within all projects 2. See workflow video: Example There are a number ways to start a workflow. Here is just one: open a document Click 'Workflows' and then ‘+Start Workflow’ This will bring up the Start Workflow Form. Complete the fields in the form. Notes: In our example, the Adhoc Workflow, you will need another person/member in the project

Score: 2.1987376

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Locks

Locks The Locks Service is used internally by the Application Server to coordinate access to shared cluster resources. The Locks Service is automatically configured to use Redis when the server is running in "cluster" mode. A configuration block is only required if you do not use environment variables to define redis server configuration. Configuration { "locks": { "enabled": true, "type": "redis", "config": { "url": "" }

Score: 2.1758928

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Delete a Project

Delete a Project Pre-condition: Project setting to allow deletion of Project deleted go to Manage Project and uncheck "Prevent this project and its resources from being deleted" Deleting a Project on the left-hand menu. Find the Project you wish to delete in the list of Projects. Once you've found the Project, select it by clicking on the checkbox on the left-hand side. Then click on the Selected... dropdown and pick "Delete Project": This will bring up the Delete Project Wizard. Click the Delet

Score: 2.153518

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Delete a Project

Delete a Project Pre-condition: Project setting to allow deletion of Project deleted go to Manage Project and uncheck "Prevent this project and its resources from being deleted" Deleting a Project on the left-hand menu. Find the Project you wish to delete in the list of Projects. Once you've found the Project, select it by clicking on the checkbox on the left-hand side. Then click on the Selected... dropdown and pick "Delete Project": This will bring up the Delete Project Wizard. Click the Delet

Score: 2.153518

Selling a CMS to your Boss?

You have found the CMS to answer all your dreams and perhaps a lot more – now what? The quest for CMS nirvana is over and you are ready to start moving forward and onto the interesting challenges ahead. Probably not – you still have to sell the CMS to your Management! Your management is likely less interested in the great architecture/features and more interested in the costs to the business of buying or even not buying the CMS. Coming from the business side, this blog touches on the topics I wo

Score: 2.1308556

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 2.1043339

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Overview

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 2.1043339

Difference between an Application and a Project

A Project is a logical separation for work within Cloud CMS. It could be a site, a sub-site, a department, a web project or anything else you'd like. Projects let you organize teams, invite members and provide a place for you to collaborate on content. An Application is something that you create to provision resources and services dedicated to your web site or web/mobile application. Each Application provides storage and services that your app can access for things like user registration, passwo

Score: 2.0890713

The Gitana Blog - Page 1 - Gitana

The Gitana Blog - Page 1 - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhan

Score: 2.0780535

How does Cloud CMS compare to DIY (do-it-yourself)?

Not sure whether to build or buy? Review these points to help guide your selection. Why DIY: exact fit with your technology stack use existing in-house skills and resources build only the features you need able to add new features as required use existing developers for support cost / budget - internal no need for external services to deliver and support product can be a ‘skunk works’ project Why not DIY: Risk (more complex than it looks) time/effort/cost are all easy to under-estimate CMS requi

Score: 2.0089123

Comparison: Cloud CMS vs DIY

Not sure whether to build or buy? Review these points to help guide your selection. Why DIY: exact fit with your technology stack use existing in-house skills and resources build only the features you need able to add new features as required use existing developers for support cost / budget - internal no need for external services to deliver and support product can be a ‘skunk works’ project Why not DIY: Risk (more complex than it looks) time/effort/cost are all easy to under-estimate CMS requi

Score: 2.0089123

Is there a programmatic way to add more content to workflows?

There is a programmatic way to add more content to workflows once they're in-flight. However, once the workflow is in-flight, the workflow process instance isn't the correct place to add things. Instead, you'd want to add new content to a workflow task. Essentially, a workflow is made up of a series of tasks. When the workflow transitions from one node to another in the workflow model, it instantiates a new task and the task holds the state (and references to documents) for that phase of the wor

Score: 1.9346778

Oauth 2.0 tokens

Each response from Cloud CMS provides two tokens: an access token and a refresh token. The access token is the one that you need to attach to every API call. It gets passed through the Authorization header as "bearer " and Cloud CMS uses this to identify who the authenticated user is (and thus, what resources they have access to and so forth). By default, the access token has a lifespan of 24 hours. After that period of time, it is no longer valid and any requests will come back wit

Score: 1.865734

Cloud CMS Architecture

Cloud CMS has two clusters that we run for customers who host apps with us. One cluster is for the "app server" tier (* and the other is the "API" tier ( The app server cluster consists of Node.js servers, and the API is a Java-backend that is stateless and implements the full REST API: As such, the API doesn't manage connections directly. Any invocation to it is a one-shot where each request contains everything needed to assert the user's identity and proceed wit

Score: 1.8330724

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Mappings

Deployment Mappings The following Deployment Handlers supports the deployment of resources from Cloud CMS to files or file system equivalents: S3 Deployment Handler File System Deployment Handler FTP Deployment Handler These Deployment Handlers all have the common function. They must work with content from Cloud CMS, consisting of Nodes, Associations, binary attachments and a potentially complex content graph of relationships. They must take that content and then map it down into a file system c

Score: 1.7710639

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Mappings

Deployment Mappings The following Deployment Handlers supports the deployment of resources from Cloud CMS to files or file system equivalents: S3 Deployment Handler File System Deployment Handler FTP Deployment Handler These Deployment Handlers all have the common function. They must work with content from Cloud CMS, consisting of Nodes, Associations, binary attachments and a potentially complex content graph of relationships. They must take that content and then map it down into a file system c

Score: 1.7710639

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Security

Security Cloud CMS lets you define enterprise-grade access control policies across all of your content to ensure and assert that the right content is being accessed by the right people at all times. To achieve this, Cloud CMS offers a security engine that incorporates multiple levels of access provisioning. These include: A Role-based, multi-level Authorization engine that asserts Permissions on every API, service and DAO method invocation. Fine-grained, object-level access control lists for spe

Score: 1.7252284

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Overview

Security Cloud CMS lets you define enterprise-grade access control policies across all of your content to ensure and assert that the right content is being accessed by the right people at all times. To achieve this, Cloud CMS offers a security engine that incorporates multiple levels of access provisioning. These include: A Role-based, multi-level Authorization engine that asserts Permissions on every API, service and DAO method invocation. Fine-grained, object-level access control lists for spe

Score: 1.7252284

What is a pooled task?

A pooled task is a task in your workflow that has a swimlane that consists either of a group or multiple people. Each task in your workflow has a swimlane associated with it. The swimlane determines who will be assigned the task when the task is routed to. If the swimlane consists of a single user, then the task will automatically be assigned. This is the usual case. When a workflow is assigned, it shows up in the "Assigned Tasks" view of your task inbox. However, there will be times when you wi

Score: 1.4722481

Easy apps with Cloud CMS and Node.js

As we continue to enhance Cloud CMS, one of the directions that we’re pushing in is toward the application layer. We intend to offer increasingly more out-of-the-box applications for content authoring, curation and publishing aimed at marketing users. These applications need to be easy-to-use. They need to address the most common cases that our customers are asking for out-of-the-box. However, they also need to be easily extensible so that these same customers can take our apps and quickly custo

Score: 1.4288747

Quick Start - Gitana

Quick Start - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate

Score: 1.388931

The top 3 features that differentiate Cloud CMS from the competition

You have determined you need a Content Management System (CMS) and have begun the daunting task of reducing the number of CMS products to a manageable number to evaluate in depth. Having reached this article you are aware of, or interested in, CMSs that can be described as: Headless CMS, API First, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Decoupled CMS, Cloud-First. I am sure there are more beautiful categorizations and terminology provided by the latest analyst buzz. As much as I may not like the catagori

Score: 1.3577108