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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms

Forms Cloud CMS automatically generates and displays mobile-friendly forms using the Alpaca Javascript / HTML5 forms engine. The Alpaca Forms Engine was created by Cloud CMS and is available as an open source project. In addition to the standard library of 40+ controls provided by Alpacajs, Cloud CMS provides support for several additional controls that run within the Cloud CMS user interface. Schemas and Forms Cloud CMS separates the concept of a schema from a form. A schema (or definition) des

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Releases / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Getting Started / Multiple Projects

Multiple Projects A Project is a collaboration space where a team of users can work together on the creation, approval and publication of content. You invite people to projects using their email addresses. You can create as many Projects as you'd like. Once you've invited people to a project, they will be able to sign on to your Platform and work within that individual project. You can invite them to other projects as well. Within each project, they will have rights and access to things based on

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Releases / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Overview

Forms Cloud CMS automatically generates and displays mobile-friendly forms using the Alpaca Javascript / HTML5 forms engine. The Alpaca Forms Engine was created by Cloud CMS and is available as an open source project. In addition to the standard library of 40+ controls provided by Alpacajs, Cloud CMS provides support for several additional controls that run within the Cloud CMS user interface. Schemas and Forms Cloud CMS separates the concept of a schema from a form. A schema (or definition) des

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 4.0 / Getting Started / Using your Data Platform / Projects

Projects A Project is a collaboration space where a team of users can work together on the creation, approval and publication of content. You invite people to projects using their email addresses. You can create as many Projects as you'd like. Once you've invited people to a project, they will be able to sign on to your Platform and work within that individual project. You can invite them to other projects as well. Within each project, they will have rights and access to things based on the Role

Score: 0.7821987

Does Cloud CMS support Single Sign On (SSO)?

Yes, Cloud CMS supports SSO (Single Sign On) with a variety of authentication providers. Many of these providers are offered out-of-the-box -- including providers for Keycloak, Google, CAS and more. In addition, we allow you to implement your own SSO providers and customize the authentication handshake. To learn more about how Cloud CMS authentication providers work, check out the following documentation: Custom Authenticators a

Score: 0.7821987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Custom

Custom This page provides some guidance on how to define your own custom Authentication Provider class for use within the Application Server. Note: If you're looking information on how to easily integrate a third-party Authentication Provider into the Application Server, we recommend first taking a look at the Local Provider as it can be configured to work with third-party endpoints pretty easily. Implementation Class We recommend extending the AbstractProvider class. The basic skeleton of the c

Score: 0.77361643

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Custom

Custom This page provides some guidance on how to define your own custom Authentication Provider class for use within the Application Server. Note: If you're looking information on how to easily integrate a third-party Authentication Provider into the Application Server, we recommend first taking a look at the Local Provider as it can be configured to work with third-party endpoints pretty easily. Implementation Class We recommend extending the AbstractProvider class. The basic skeleton of the c

Score: 0.77361643

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Container

Container QName: f:container Makes a node as a container. In Cloud CMS, all nodes are essentially equivalent. There is no assumed containment model - in other words, Cloud CMS does not assume a folder structure or any kind of graph that you must adhere to. You can use associations to model any kind of relationship you would like. For example, you might have nodes that maintain only a kind of "linked" relationship to do things like link together related items for a product catalog. Another exampl

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.73

3.2.73 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.73. Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support for Elastic Search to include Amazon OpenSearch, we've moved over to using the condor driver which is built and op

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.74

3.2.74 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.74. Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support for Elastic Search to include Amazon OpenSearch, we've moved over to using the condor driver which is built and op

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.76

3.2.76 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.76. Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support for Elastic Search to include Amazon OpenSearch, we've moved over to using the condor driver which is built and op

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Container

Container QName: f:container Makes a node as a container. In Cloud CMS, all nodes are essentially equivalent. There is no assumed containment model - in other words, Cloud CMS does not assume a folder structure or any kind of graph that you must adhere to. You can use associations to model any kind of relationship you would like. For example, you might have nodes that maintain only a kind of "linked" relationship to do things like link together related items for a product catalog. Another exampl

Score: 0.77197117

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 0.77197117

Use Case: Machine Learning / AI - Gitana

Use Case: Machine Learning / AI - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services t

Score: 0.7715446

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / Support

Support In this section, we provide best practices that should be considered when submitting support tickets for on-premise Cloud CMS installations. When submitting tickets to Cloud CMS, the objective should be to provide as much information as possible so that the ticket can be worked on as quickly as possible. Very often, tickets are submitted that do not have sufficient detail or information to either understand the problem or reproduce it. Tickets that include things like log files, database

Score: 0.75741553

Building Applications with Ratchet JS MVC

Over the past few days, I’ve had a chance to delve back into ratchet.js which is a JavaScript MVC framework that I had a hand in building in 2010. By this point, there are a lot of JavaScript MVC frameworks that you can utilize. However, at the time we built it, we were very inspired by sammy.js, backbone.js and knockout.js. A few points on these libraries: I particularly liked sammy.js for its simplicity. The developers of that library do a great job minimizing the work and also utilized an int

Score: 0.75741553

Programmatically create content in a folder?

The Cloud CMS content API lets you work with JSON to create any kind of content you'd like. It supports any JSON structure you desire and also supports a number of special properties that you can use to make life easier for you. These special properties are: _rootNodeId - The mount node ID of the root against which relatives path are computed. By default, this is the root of the repository. In general, it isn't necessary to use this property unless you have multiple mount nodes configured. And m

Score: 0.7467117

How we use Docker at Cloud CMS

At Cloud CMS, we use Docker to provision our cloud infrastructure servers on top of Amazon Web Services. Our stack consists of five different clusters: Cloud CMS API Cloud CMS UI Cloud CMS App Server for Dynamic Hosting Elastic Search MongoDB With the exception of MongoDB, all of these clusters are allocated using elastic load balancing and are architected in such a way that we can spin up new servers and tear down old ones with elastic demand. That is to say, they are fully elastic in design. T

Score: 0.7385188

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Definitions / Content Type Definition

Content Type Definition A content type defines a type of content that your content workers generally create, edit and publish. For example, an article or a press release might be considered to be a content type. The content type defines the schema, properties, behaviors and everything to do with a specific kind of content. You then set about creating instances of that content type. These are sometimes referred to as content instances. Instances are instantiations of a type. All content instances

Score: 0.72658914

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Definitions / Content Type Definition

Content Type Definition A content type defines a type of content that your content workers generally create, edit and publish. For example, an article or a press release might be considered to be a content type. The content type defines the schema, properties, behaviors and everything to do with a specific kind of content. You then set about creating instances of that content type. These are sometimes referred to as content instances. Instances are instantiations of a type. All content instances

Score: 0.72658914

Reports and Analytics - Gitana

Reports and Analytics - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 0.7237426

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.77

3.2.77 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.77. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Elastic Search Client Make sure that you are have configured Cloud CMS to connect to Elastic Searching using the condor HTTP/S client. In prior versions of Cloud CMS, an http and transport client were offered that utilized the native drivers of Elastic Search. As we've expanded our support fo

Score: 0.72305286