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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Web Content Management

Web Content Management Whether to support dynamic loading of web pages from Cloud CMS. This enables the Cloud CMS web content management solution. Here is what a full configuration set looks like: { "wcm": { "enabled": true, "cache": true, "cacheKey": { "params": { "includes": [], "excludes": [], "excludeAll": false } }, "pageCacheTTL": (24 * 60 * 60) * 1000, // 24 hours "p

Score: 0.35970366

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Web Content Management

Web Content Management Whether to support dynamic loading of web pages from Cloud CMS. This enables the Cloud CMS web content management solution. Here is what a full configuration set looks like: { "wcm": { "enabled": true, "cache": true, "cacheKey": { "params": { "includes": [], "excludes": [], "excludeAll": false } }, "pageCacheTTL": (24 * 60 * 60) * 1000, // 24 hours "p

Score: 0.35970366

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Platform

Platform Your platform provides access to all of the underlying data stores and platform-scoped objects. You can also store data on your platform data store itself, if you wish. When you authenticate to Cloud CMS, you are given access to your platform. You can only authenticate to one platform at a time. This is because clients are scoped to a single platform. When you authenticate using a client key and secret, you inform the Gitana driver which platform to connect to. ## Configuration As with

Score: 0.35949552

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Platform

Platform Your platform provides access to all of the underlying data stores and platform-scoped objects. You can also store data on your platform data store itself, if you wish. When you authenticate to Cloud CMS, you are given access to your platform. You can only authenticate to one platform at a time. This is because clients are scoped to a single platform. When you authenticate using a client key and secret, you inform the Gitana driver which platform to connect to. ## Configuration As with

Score: 0.35949552

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / Fields / Editor Field

Editor Field The editor field. The editor field uses the Cloud 9 ACE Editor plugin to render an inline editor that supports a wide array of textual content types. The editor provides a number of very powerful features and allows for the creation and modification of markup and code such as HTML, JavaScript, Java and other languages. Properties Title Editor Description Provides an automatically formatted and configurable input for entering currency amounts. Field Type editor Base Field Type text S

Score: 0.35949552

Internationalization (I18N)

All of the content that you create within Cloud CMS supports localized translation. This is often referred to as internationalization (I18N) in the enterprise world. Cloud CMS has full support for localization so that any content you put into Cloud CMS supports multiple translation bundles. When content is retrieved from Cloud CMS, either through the APIs, the editorial interface or from your own applications, Cloud CMS respects the locale being requested and serves back a best-match fit for tha

Score: 0.35949552

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Command Line / Transfer Commands

Transfer Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: export content from Cloud CMS as an Archive import content into new Cloud CMS environments using that Archive Archives consist of ZIP files that store a full capture of the exported content. Archives may consist of an entire snapshot export or they may be partial (spanning date ranges or changeset ranges in the case of Repositories). The Cloud CMS Transfer Services make

Score: 0.3594423

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Command Line Interface / Transfer Commands

Transfer Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: export content from Cloud CMS as an Archive import content into new Cloud CMS environments using that Archive Archives consist of ZIP files that store a full capture of the exported content. Archives may consist of an entire snapshot export or they may be partial (spanning date ranges or changeset ranges in the case of Repositories). The Cloud CMS Transfer Services make

Score: 0.3594423

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Indexable

Indexable QName: f:indexable Informs a node of how it should be indexed. Cloud CMS maintains multiple indexes including a search index, a database index and special indexes for things like path-based retrieval. By default, all n:node instances have the f:indexable feature applied to them. The default behavior is for search to be enabled and for search-indexes to be updated synchronously upon a write. Nodes that are indexed for search will take a little extra time on write (create or update) sinc

Score: 0.3592461

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 0.3592461

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Indexable

Indexable QName: f:indexable Informs a node of how it should be indexed. Cloud CMS maintains multiple indexes including a search index, a database index and special indexes for things like path-based retrieval. By default, all n:node instances have the f:indexable feature applied to them. The default behavior is for search to be enabled and for search-indexes to be updated synchronously upon a write. Nodes that are indexed for search will take a little extra time on write (create or update) sinc

Score: 0.3592461

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Multilingual

Multilingual When applied to a node, this indicates that you wish to have the contents of this node support multilingual behavior and translated content. This node then serves as the "master node" for translation support. Master nodes have a:has_translation associations to translation nodes that hold copies of the content (JSON and any attachments) in the target locale Marking a node as f:multilingual does not automatically produce translations for you. However, once marked, the Cloud CMS user i

Score: 0.3592461

Node Lifecycle Events

First, you configure your tenant with the AWS credentials of an IAM user and a SNS topic ARN that you wish to publish notification events to. This can be on your own AWS account so that you can work with these notifications any way you'd like. The notifications are for a variety of node lifecycle events. The primary one is "node_invalidation" which happens whenever a node's state changes. It's an indication that anyone caching anything downstream might want to reconsider their cache state. In te

Score: 0.35913977

Content Previews and Thumbnails with Cloud CMS

Cloud CMS lets you generate preview images (often called thumbnails) for any content item stored in your repository. This generation can be performed ahead of time via content modeling or it can be done in real-time using a simple URL call. Content Nodes In Cloud CMS, everyone content item you create is referred to as a node. A node is a JSON document that can have any structure you’d like. That is to say, you can drop any valid JSON document you’d like into Cloud CMS and the product will automa

Score: 0.35871562

How do I retrieve the folder path for my content?

In Cloud CMS, you may choose to associate nodes with folders. This allows the content to be worked with by editorial teams such that they can navigate to content within folders, move content between folders and generally organize their content as they wish. It also allows for content to be retrieved by path via the API, if you wish. Technically speaking, Cloud CMS does not require folders or paths. In fact, plenty of customers use Cloud CMS in such a way that they don't require folders at all. C

Score: 0.35856196

Does Cloud CMS work with iOS, Android, Node.js, PhoneGap, JavaScript, HTML5 and any other popular frameworks?

You work with Cloud CMS just like you would any other ReSTful HTTP/OAuth2 service. In addition, we have a library of drivers and developer guides that you can look to for guidance on building apps for the web as well as iPhone, iPad, Android, PhoneGap, Titanium and many other frameworks.

Score: 0.35801733

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 0.3578878

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Overview

Workflow In explaining workflow, let's first take a look at the following things: Workflow Models Workflow Instances Workflow Tasks Workflow Payload Resources Workflow Comments Workflow History Item Workflow Events Workflow Event Handlers A workflow model is a definition of a workflow consisting of a full set of instructions on how content should be routed between participants or activities on its way toward completion. A workflow model is kind of like a blueprint describing the sequence of step

Score: 0.3578878

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations

Integrations Cloud CMS allows you to connect to external cloud-based services for purposes of things like: external data storage for binary data auto-record updates to dns servers event handling to cloud notification handlers To configure these services, you simply create a service descriptor via the main interface: Service descriptors are declared once and can be re-used multiple times within your platform, across different projects and applications. Service descriptors are encrypted on the ser

Score: 0.35772216

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Menu

Menu Although having the ability to do a lot of stuff is great, sometimes too many things to do can be overwhelming. So we provide you with a way to configure menus on all the different pages. You can Customize menus to display Change menu titles Customize Menus to Display An editorial manager may not want to see all the menus in "DEVELOPERS", guess what, you can go ahead and hide it! Click "Configure Dashboard" button, then you can configure your menus here. Uncheck "DEVELOPERS", and maybe some

Score: 0.35772216

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Overview

Integrations Cloud CMS allows you to connect to external cloud-based services for purposes of things like: external data storage for binary data auto-record updates to dns servers event handling to cloud notification handlers To configure these services, you simply create a service descriptor via the main interface: Service descriptors are declared once and can be re-used multiple times within your platform, across different projects and applications. Service descriptors are encrypted on the ser

Score: 0.35772216

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Menu

Menu Although having the ability to do a lot of stuff is great, sometimes too many things to do can be overwhelming. So we provide you with a way to configure menus on all the different pages. You can Customize menus to display Change menu titles Customize Menus to Display An editorial manager may not want to see all the menus in "DEVELOPERS", guess what, you can go ahead and hide it! Click "Configure Dashboard" button, then you can configure your menus here. Uncheck "DEVELOPERS", and maybe some

Score: 0.35772216

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Configuration / UI Server

UI Server The Cloud CMS UI Server is a Node.js application that provides the editorial experience for Cloud CMS. It communicates with the Cloud CMS API via HTTP/HTTPS API calls and is built to be very extensible. Developers and system integrators can extend the Cloud CMS UI through the deployment of UI modules. Environment File (.env) The Cloud CMS UI is primarily configured via a series of environment variables. These environment variables are detected by the Node.js application at startup and

Score: 0.3576987

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Tree

Tree Content that is organized into folders can be retrieved using the Tree API. The Tree API lets you pull back an entire path-based folder and file structure of content within a single API call. The API call lets you specify a root node, a maximum depth to traverse down the path structure, paths that should be automatically expanded and query terms for filtering of root nodes. The Tree API is deal to support a variety of cases including: retrieval of multiple deeply-nested paths within a singl

Score: 0.3576701

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Discovery / Tree

Tree Content that is organized into folders can be retrieved using the Tree API. The Tree API lets you pull back an entire path-based folder and file structure of content within a single API call. The API call lets you specify a root node, a maximum depth to traverse down the path structure, paths that should be automatically expanded and query terms for filtering of root nodes. The Tree API is deal to support a variety of cases including: retrieval of multiple deeply-nested paths within a singl

Score: 0.3576701