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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Services / Transcription

Transcription This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 With Transcription in place, a content instance will automatically convert an audio source attachment to a text file that contains the transcription of the language detected in the source. The textual transcript result will contain all of the identified spoken words in the audio file. It will be saved onto the original node as text/plain attachment with the name transcription. Any audio content that you place into Cloud CMS wil

Score: 0.43609047

WCM and Caching

In Dust, there is the notion of a context which has a stack running underneath it. As you drill down into tags, a new context is pushed that can write new context variables as well as access previous variables from previous stack frames. What we're doing in cloudcms-server is providing a dependency tracker so that each tag gets to declare the output (the HTML that was generated) and the set of dependencies that it depended on in order to generate the output. As an example, a query might run an u

Score: 0.43609047

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.43493116

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / Node Picker

Node Picker ID: node-picker The node-picker field type renders a modal picker for a node. The modal picker allows you to filter nodes as well as paginate, sort and inspect nodes. The picker supports single node and multi-node selection depending on how the field is configured. Sample configuration: { "type": "node-picker" } The node picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the latter is used for selectio

Score: 0.43493116

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.43493116

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / Node Picker

Node Picker ID: node-picker The node-picker field type renders a modal picker for a node. The modal picker allows you to filter nodes as well as paginate, sort and inspect nodes. The picker supports single node and multi-node selection depending on how the field is configured. Sample configuration: { "type": "node-picker" } The node picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the latter is used for selectio

Score: 0.43493116

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting Important This section only applies to Cloud CMS Hosted Subscriptions Your Cloud CMS subscription may be configured to limit the number of concurrent API calls you are allowed to make per band. This is known as rate-limiting. When the number of concurrent API calls exceeds your tenant's configured rate limit for a given band, you will experience rate limiting. Generally, this consists of receiving an HTTP 429 response code and response headers that describe the rate limiting. The a

Score: 0.43423852

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Client

Client Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration Clients maintain a configuration that you can adjust or consult as you create, update and query for them. The following table presents you t

Score: 0.43344963

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Client

Client Type {{#dataTypeArticle objectTypeId}}{{objectTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Datastore Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{{datastoreTypeId}}{{/dataTypeArticle}} Supports {{#article "security/authorities"}}authorities{{/article}}, {{#article "security/permissions"}}permissions{{/article}}, {{#article "transfer"}}transfer{{/article}} Configuration Clients maintain a configuration that you can adjust or consult as you create, update and query for them. The following table presents you t

Score: 0.43344963

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 0.43325055

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 0.43325055

Using the JavaScript driver to run an elasticsearch query

The Cloud CMS REST API allows for elasticsearch queries against a branch. The API endpoint is POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/search The payload is a JSON object containing a top-level property called "search" which wraps the elasticsearch DSL query. The JavaScript driver exposes this call on the Branch object using the searchNodes() methods. Examples: 1) Search for nodes containing the keyword "hello" in any property: req.branch(function (err, branch) { branch.trap(f

Score: 0.43325055

Is there a programmatic way to add more content to workflows?

There is a programmatic way to add more content to workflows once they're in-flight. However, once the workflow is in-flight, the workflow process instance isn't the correct place to add things. Instead, you'd want to add new content to a workflow task. Essentially, a workflow is made up of a series of tasks. When the workflow transitions from one node to another in the workflow model, it instantiates a new task and the task holds the state (and references to documents) for that phase of the wor

Score: 0.43325055

Cloud CMS - Image Cropping and Resizing Features

Lets face it – CMS editors just want to do their job and not spend too long in the tools. Recently we added a feature to allow Content editors to do image cropping within the Cloud CMS User Interface rather than having to do this outside Cloud CMS and re-upload the image. This is a simple powerful feature which will save the content editor many clicks and minutes. The image editing tool allows for: reversing an image, and rotating an image cropping the image saving and reverting back to the orig

Score: 0.43325055

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / PHP Cookbook

PHP Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the PHP driver, visit Gitana PHP Driver Page or the Github Page. It can be used in any composer php project. To install with composer from the command line: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana with the php driver by providing a config array containing your keys, which can be obtained from a gitana.json file. It should look something like: { "clientKey": "{your client key}", "clientSecret": "{y

Score: 0.4330126

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / PHP Cookbook

PHP Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the PHP driver, visit Gitana PHP Driver Page or the Github Page. It can be used in any composer php project. To install with composer from the command line: composer require cloudcms/cloudcms Connecting to Gitana You can connect to Gitana with the php driver by providing a config array containing your keys, which can be obtained from a gitana.json file. It should look something like: { "clientKey": "{your client key}", "clientSecret": "{y

Score: 0.4330126

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Relator Properties

Relator Properties Cloud CMS provides support for properties that auto-manage their relationships between multiple nodes in the content graph. Whenever you intend to connect two nodes together, it is often convenient to model a property on one or both of the nodes involved in the relationship such that the properties maintain information locally on the endpoints about the relationship. Such properties are known as "relator properties". Consider a Store that sells Books. Books are written by Auth

Score: 0.43254292

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Relator Properties

Relator Properties Cloud CMS provides support for properties that auto-manage their relationships between multiple nodes in the content graph. Whenever you intend to connect two nodes together, it is often convenient to model a property on one or both of the nodes involved in the relationship such that the properties maintain information locally on the endpoints about the relationship. Such properties are known as "relator properties". Consider a Store that sells Books. Books are written by Auth

Score: 0.43254292

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Behavior

Behavior QName: f:behavior This features indicates that a node provides the implementation of a behavior. This feature simply tags the node as a behavior implementation. The node must be a script or a rule. Configuration Behavior Example { "title": "My JavaScript file", "_features": { "f:behavior": { } } }

Score: 0.43246174

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Behavior

Behavior QName: f:behavior This features indicates that a node provides the implementation of a behavior. This feature simply tags the node as a behavior implementation. The node must be a script or a rule. Configuration Behavior Example { "title": "My JavaScript file", "_features": { "f:behavior": { } } }

Score: 0.43246174

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Overview

Self-Managed Gitana offers the option to run development and production installations of its software on-premise or within a virtual private cloud. Getting Started To get started with Gitana Self-Managed, please check out the following: Configuration Docker Kits Kubernetes Maintenance Monitoring Supported Stacks UI Extensions

Score: 0.42992795

Tree Hierarchies

In Cloud CMS, there are no hard and fast rules regarding association types between nodes. And so, when dealing with things like tree structures, you usually have to first make some assumptions about the kinds of relationships between nodes that you want to traverse. For arbitrary relationships and traversals around nodes, Cloud CMS provides traversal methods which are a bit more intensive to use. However, if you're using typical a:child relationships between nodes (which is what Cloud CMS uses f

Score: 0.42928714

Pricing: Self Managed Options - Gitana

Pricing: Self Managed Options - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to

Score: 0.42928714

Upgrade to version 1.0.6 of our new JavaScript/HTML5 driver!

The Cloud CMS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the 1.0.6 version of the Gitana JavaScript Driver for Cloud CMS. JavaScript Driver for Cloud CMS The Gitana JavaScript Driver is a JS library that you can drop into your HTML5/JS applications to take advantage of the authoring and delivery APIs of the Cloud CMS server. It makes it easier for developers to utilize the Cloud CMS HTTP/REST APIs by providing native convenience functions via JavaScript. The Gitana JavaScript Driv

Score: 0.42928714

Train your AI Models - Gitana

Train your AI Models - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance a

Score: 0.42881256