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Sync from one environment to another

Within Cloud CMS sync capabiities are generally referred to as the "transfer system". They allow you to export individual objects, data stores or even collections of these as an archive (ZIP) within a vault. You can then move those archives to storage for backup or move them to new Cloud CMS server instances for restoration or replication. We have support for transfer within our API, our drivers and also within the user interface. The latter is useful in that you can script it pretty effectively

Score: 0.6155559

Privacy Policy - Gitana

Privacy Policy - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and cur

Score: 0.61352926

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Local

Local Serves back files from the web root. If the web root is virtualized (meaning that your application supports virtual hosts), then the content will be served back from the virtual host root. { "local": { "enabled": true } }

Score: 0.61350715

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Local

Local Serves back files from the web root. If the web root is virtualized (meaning that your application supports virtual hosts), then the content will be served back from the virtual host root. { "local": { "enabled": true } }

Score: 0.61350715

Migrating Binary files to S3

By default, on-premise installations of Cloud CMS are configured with a GridFS (`gridfs`) Binary Storage Provider. This allows Cloud CMS to read and write binary files (such as attachments) to GridFS. At some point, as your installation grows, you may want change this. Suppose you wanted to move your binary files into S3 and use S3 as a Binary Storage Provider for Cloud CMS. To do so, we recommend the following steps: 1. Make a backup of your Cloud CMS database. 2. Create an S3 bucket and IAM us

Score: 0.61227435

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.61064667

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Narrate

Auto Narrate This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 QName: f:auto-narrate With this feature in place, a content instance will automatically have the text from either an attachment or a property narrated using text-to-speech. The generated audio file will be stored back onto the node as an audio attachment (typically in MP3 format). To use this service, you will first need to set up a Narration Service. The service can either be configured as the default Narration Service for your

Score: 0.61064667

Assessing the CMS cost options?

The risks and costs associated with CMSs can be frightening. Many organizations have entered a CMS project, and are still to come out. Frustrated by the on-going costs of getting the CMS to work and then the costs of keeping it working. Partly this is due to unrealistic expectations but the primary reason is not looking at all the costs upfront and assessing the resources available to support a complex IT initiative. A basic for assessing your immediate and ongoing costs for any application is w

Score: 0.61064667

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Transfer

Transfer Cloud CMS provides a universal import and export facility that lets you transfer your data in and out of Cloud CMS installations. It also allows you to copy or move data from one Cloud CMS installation to another. Everything in Cloud CMS is portable in this respect. You are always free to export your data and download it. You're also free to upload your data and import it. This universal transfer service is very well suited for: Backing up your content or projects Moving your content or

Score: 0.6106135

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Transfer / Overview

Transfer Cloud CMS provides a universal import and export facility that lets you transfer your data in and out of Cloud CMS installations. It also allows you to copy or move data from one Cloud CMS installation to another. Everything in Cloud CMS is portable in this respect. You are always free to export your data and download it. You're also free to upload your data and import it. This universal transfer service is very well suited for: Backing up your content or projects Moving your content or

Score: 0.6106135

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Relator

Relator QName: f:relator This feature is applied internally to relator associations within the content graph that connect two nodes via a relator property. There is no need to apply this feature manually. For information on relator properties, please see relator properties. Configuration

Score: 0.6089741

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Relator

Relator QName: f:relator This feature is applied internally to relator associations within the content graph that connect two nodes via a relator property. There is no need to apply this feature manually. For information on relator properties, please see relator properties. Configuration

Score: 0.6089741

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Repository Compression

Repository Compression Cloud CMS content is stored within a Repository. A Repository differs from other types of data stores in that it provides Copy-On-Write mechanics using Changeset-driven versioning. Every time you create, update or delete content within a repository, those adjustments are written onto a new Changeset. Changesets are layered automatically and provide a stack of differences that, over time, allow you to scroll back to any moment in time to see a perfect capture of every modif

Score: 0.6085666

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Repository Compression

Repository Compression Cloud CMS content is stored within a Repository. A Repository differs from other types of data stores in that it provides Copy-On-Write mechanics using Changeset-driven versioning. Every time you create, update or delete content within a repository, those adjustments are written onto a new Changeset. Changesets are layered automatically and provide a stack of differences that, over time, allow you to scroll back to any moment in time to see a perfect capture of every modif

Score: 0.6085666

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 0.6082871

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Amazon S3 Deployment Handler

Amazon S3 Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName And optionally: prefix The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "accessKey": "{a

Score: 0.6082871

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / FTP Deployment Handler

FTP Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an SFTP or FTP server. The remote S/FTP server is described by a URL, username and password. The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "url": "{url}", "username": "{username}", "pass

Score: 0.6082871

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Amazon S3 Deployment Handler

Amazon S3 Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to an Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is described by: accessKey secretKey region bucketName And optionally: prefix The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails to copy, it will simply be skipped. Other content objects will be allowed to proceed unabated. Configuration { "accessKey": "{a

Score: 0.6082871

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Thumbnailable

Thumbnailable QName: f:thumbnailable Configures a node to automatically generate thumbnails for the node content or attachments. With this feature applied, one or more thumbnail images will be generated based on the node's JSON or attachment content. These thumbnails can be of various sizes and are automatically generated when the node's content is created, updated or deleted or its relevant attachment is updated. Thumbnail generation is always synchronous. Thumbnails are generated when the node

Score: 0.6027224

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Thumbnailable

Thumbnailable QName: f:thumbnailable Configures a node to automatically generate thumbnails for the node content or attachments. With this feature applied, one or more thumbnail images will be generated based on the node's JSON or attachment content. These thumbnails can be of various sizes and are automatically generated when the node's content is created, updated or deleted or its relevant attachment is updated. Thumbnail generation is always synchronous. Thumbnails are generated when the node

Score: 0.6027224

How can I retrieve content for a tree view?

The Cloud CMS API offers a number of convenience API methods that go beyond basic CRUD and bulk content operations. Among these methods are those that allow you to retrieve content from your repository branch in a tree-friendly format. A tree-organized format means that the data comes back in a such a way as to make it easy to load into front-end tree controls. Typical front-end tree controls requires the ability to load a "snapshot" of the tree as a starting point as well as iteratively grow or

Score: 0.6027224

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Search

Search Content is automatically indexed when it is created, modified, or uploaded in Cloud CMS. The index is across the Content properties and any attached file eg Word, PDF,.. Platform Project Project Search Settings go to Project Settings (left nav). Note: To have the Project Settings as an option you must have access: eg Tenant owner, or in the Project Manager Team select Search. The Project Search Screen can be updated and will apply the settings for the project only. Search Syntax Logic | -

Score: 0.6011879

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / File System Deployment Handler

File System Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a file system. A file system is described by a local path on disk, such as: /www/files /data /Users/joesmith/files These paths, in turn, my describe mounts that are ephemeral or non-ephemeral (such as Amazon EBS mounted drives or shared network storage). The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails

Score: 0.6011879

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / File System Deployment Handler

File System Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a file system. A file system is described by a local path on disk, such as: /www/files /data /Users/joesmith/files These paths, in turn, my describe mounts that are ephemeral or non-ephemeral (such as Amazon EBS mounted drives or shared network storage). The contents of the Deployment Packages will be deployed sequentially to the target location. If any of the content within the Deployment Packages fails

Score: 0.6011879

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / User Interface / Search

Search Content is automatically indexed when it is created, modified, or uploaded in Cloud CMS. The index is across the Content properties and any attached file eg Word, PDF,.. Platform Project Project Search Settings go to Project Settings (left nav). Note: To have the Project Settings as an option you must have access: eg Tenant owner, or in the Project Manager Team select Search. The Project Search Screen can be updated and will apply the settings for the project only. Search Syntax Logic | -

Score: 0.6011879