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Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Gatsby

Gatsby Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Gatsby JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. Connecting to Cloud CMS with Gatsby You can connect directly to the Cloud CMS API or indirectly via our app server. We offer GraphQL endpoints on each of these that can be accessed using our gatsby-source-cloudcms plugin. In your gatsby-config.js file, add the following configurations: const gitanaJson = require('./gita

Score: 0.93867517

Pagination options

You can specify pagination options in an optional second argument to the queryNodes function, basically like this: Chain(branch).queryNodes({  "_type": "video:essentials"  }, {  "sort": {  "title": -1  },  "limit": 10,  "skip": 30  }).then(function() {  ...  }); In this example, the results will start at index 30 in the record set and will contain the next 10 entries. The record set is sorted by "title" in a descending order ahead of being returned. If pagination sort isn't provided, then the o

Score: 0.93867517

How to limit the fields that come back in a query

Query API calls like!/node/post_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_query support a parameter named _fields which defines an object specifying the node properties you want to include in the result set for matching nodes. For example in the following query I want the title, subTitle and slug fields returned: { "_type":"my:article", "_fields":{ "title":1, "subTitle":1, "slug":1 } } The result set would look something like the

Score: 0.93867517

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Binary Files

Binary Files Cloud CMS lets you upload any kind of desktop file. The system will automatically detect the type of content that you upload and will inspect and work with the content to provide the following services: Automatic antivirus scanning to detect malicious files Extraction of metadata properties from the payload body and headers Conversion of content type to thumbnails (using image transformation) Detection and extraction of text for full-text search Execution of custom rules to further

Score: 0.93731076

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Platform / Binary Files

Binary Files Cloud CMS lets you upload any kind of desktop file. The system will automatically detect the type of content that you upload and will inspect and work with the content to provide the following services: Automatic antivirus scanning to detect malicious files Extraction of metadata properties from the payload body and headers Conversion of content type to thumbnails (using image transformation) Detection and extraction of text for full-text search Execution of custom rules to further

Score: 0.93731076

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Configure Search

Configure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"

Score: 0.93524975

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / platform-manage-context

platform-manage-context [ { "evaluator": "context-platform", "config": { "platform-manage-context": { "items": [ { "key": "platform/manage/header", "title": "Manage Platform", "header": true, "order": 10000, "allowAuthority": [ "owner", "manager", "admin" ], "items": [ { "key": "platform/settings",

Score: 0.93524975

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Drivers / C#

C# Driver Connect your .NET applications to Gitana Latest Version Version undefined Date The Gitana C# driver allows you to easily connect your C# and .NET applications to the Gitana server. Currently supports the following functionality: Connect to and refresh access tokens with the API Read platform, branch, and repositories Read, query, search, create, update, and delete nodes Installation Install this driver as you would any other NuGet package. Command Line: dotnet add package cloudcms Vis

Score: 0.93524975

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / platform-manage-context

platform-manage-context [ { "evaluator": "context-platform", "config": { "platform-manage-context": { "items": [ { "key": "platform/manage/header", "title": "Manage Platform", "header": true, "order": 10000, "allowAuthority": [ "owner", "manager", "admin" ], "items": [ { "key": "platform/settings",

Score: 0.93524975

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Configure Search

Configure Search You can configure the project search page to show different filter controls on the left hand side by adding some properties to your project JSON descriptor. These controls ultimately feed into a Cloud CMS node API find call that has the following structure: { "query": ... query block into MongoDB, "search": ... search block into Elastic Search } The following customization block can be added to your project's JSON descriptor: { ..., "search": { "showContentTypes"

Score: 0.93524975

5 Reasons why Cloud CMS is Totally Awesome

Cloud CMS is the only Content Management System that was built from the ground up for the needs of mobile devices and applications. Our goal is to provide the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way for businesses to curate and deliver content to their applications, running anywhere in the world, in any language and at any time. In the last article, I talked about the general lack of mobile strategy within the business world. Mobile apps are so new that most businesses have had to react to

Score: 0.934888

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Default Paths

Default Paths Your content types define schemas that Cloud CMS uses to render intuitive forms for content entry. In addition, content types let you configure persistence paths so that JSON documents created using these forms are automatically saved in a directory structure that you intend. Paths support templated variables so that the path can be dynamic. It can depend on the values having been entered. For example, let's suppose I have the content type for an article, like this: { "title":

Score: 0.9308777

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Default Paths

Default Paths Your content types define schemas that Cloud CMS uses to render intuitive forms for content entry. In addition, content types let you configure persistence paths so that JSON documents created using these forms are automatically saved in a directory structure that you intend. Paths support templated variables so that the path can be dynamic. It can depend on the values having been entered. For example, let's suppose I have the content type for an article, like this: { "title":

Score: 0.9308777

Users, Identities and SSO with Cloud CMS

One of the really interesting use cases for Cloud CMS is that of maintaining users across multiple domains while having those users share a common identity context. A common identity context allows an authentication session to transition seamlessly (via an authentication swap) from one user to the next. It also allows for properties (such as username, email, password or other custom user properties) to automatically synchronize across all of the user identities that are part of the context. Here

Score: 0.9308777

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech. Cloud CMS provides an out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Transcribe. Using the f:aws-transcribe feature, you submit either a binary payload or a URL to a binary payload. Thi

Score: 0.9291209

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Transcribe Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech. Cloud CMS provides an out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Transcribe. Using the f:aws-transcribe feature, you submit either a binary payload or a URL to a binary payload. Thi

Score: 0.9291209

Connecting via a Corporate Proxy

The Cloud CMS drivers support connectivity through a corporate proxy. The means of doing so are slightly different depending on which driver you're using. Node.js The Cloud CMS Node.js driver detects the following environment variable: HTTP_PROXY If this environment variable is specified, all API calls with be routed through the proxy server at that location. This proxy server may support either HTTP or HTTPS. For example, you may set the environment variable like this: HTTP_PROXY=http://127.0.0

Score: 0.9291209

How to get a content definition JSON from the Cloud CMS API?

There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is simply use the node GET call and pass in the qname like this: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{qname}!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId This will give you back the JSON for the definition. Another way is to use this variation: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/definitions/{qname}!/branch/get_repositories_rep

Score: 0.9291209

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Branches / Custom Indexes

Custom Indexes Cloud CMS internally maintains indexes to improve the speed of your data lookups across all data store types. In most cases, there is no need to concern yourself with these as they deliver optimal performance. With respect to content repositories, however, Cloud CMS allows you to define custom database indexes on a per-branch basis. These custom indexes add to the default set that Cloud CMS automatically maintains. Each branch and/or snapshot maintains its own "tip" collection tha

Score: 0.9241396

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Branches / Custom Indexes

Custom Indexes Cloud CMS internally maintains indexes to improve the speed of your data lookups across all data store types. In most cases, there is no need to concern yourself with these as they deliver optimal performance. With respect to content repositories, however, Cloud CMS allows you to define custom database indexes on a per-branch basis. These custom indexes add to the default set that Cloud CMS automatically maintains. Each branch and/or snapshot maintains its own "tip" collection tha

Score: 0.9241396

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Branches / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 0.917259

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Branches / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 0.917259

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Nuxt.js

Nuxt.js Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Nuxt JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. Cloud CMS Nuxt JS Module We provide a Cloud CMS Nuxt Module to make accessing content while generating Nuxt pages easier. It provides quick way to setup connections to cloudcms and perform API functions via our Javascript driver, and automatically create static links to your attachments. To install, just run: npm install

Score: 0.9105841

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 0.90904385

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Auto Translate

Auto Translate QName: f:auto-translate This feature makes it so that any content that is saved is automatically translated into any desired target locales and stored as translations within the Cloud CMS I18N (Internationalization) framework. With this feature, your editorial users could, for example, make a change to a node and save it. The change could then be translated into Chinese, Spanish and German so that content can be retrieved from Cloud CMS in those locales. This all happens automatic

Score: 0.90904385