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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 74.30117

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 74.30117

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 48.397854

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 20.214869

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / rule-subcontext

rule-subcontext [ { "config": { "rule-subcontext": { "items": [ { "key": "rule", "header": true, "title": "Rule", "items": [ { "key": "properties", "title": "Properties", "uri": "{projectUri}/rules/{documentId}", "order": 1000 }, { "key": "binding", "title": "Policies",

Score: 7.8637276

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / rule-subcontext

rule-subcontext [ { "config": { "rule-subcontext": { "items": [ { "key": "rule", "header": true, "title": "Rule", "items": [ { "key": "properties", "title": "Properties", "uri": "{projectUri}/rules/{documentId}", "order": 1000 }, { "key": "binding", "title": "Policies",

Score: 7.8637276

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Config

Config The Configuration Service loads JSON rules for the current application and composes them into a JSON configuration document that is served back. The Configuration Service considers JSON rules that are defined at application level as well as the project, platform and user level. { "config": { "remote": { "enabled": , "appKey": "" } } }

Score: 7.224701

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Config

Config The Configuration Service loads JSON rules for the current application and composes them into a JSON configuration document that is served back. The Configuration Service considers JSON rules that are defined at application level as well as the project, platform and user level. { "config": { "remote": { "enabled": , "appKey": "" } } }

Score: 7.224701

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Modules

Modules Common files that each module should have: module.json (where you give the module a name) install.js uninstall.js As soon as you have these files, the rest is up to you depending on what you would like to customize in the module. Take a look at some sample modules in our SDK Custom Modules One of the features that make CloudCMS super configurable is the ability to implement custom modules. Within a custom module, you can define new UI elements that your editorial team can use in their da

Score: 6.7181363

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Modules

Modules Common files that each module should have: module.json (where you give the module a name) install.js uninstall.js As soon as you have these files, the rest is up to you depending on what you would like to customize in the module. Take a look at some sample modules in the Gitana SDK Custom Modules One of the features that make CloudCMS super configurable is the ability to implement custom modules. Within a custom module, you can define new UI elements that your editorial team can use in t

Score: 6.7181363

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Overview

_page Actions Conditions Policies Rules

Score: 6.6141276

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / project-context

project-context [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-context": { "items": [ { "key": "project/developers/heading", "title": "Developers", "order": 10000, "header": true, "allowAuthority": [ "manager" ], "items": [ { "key": "project/developers/query", "title": "Query", "uri": "#/project

Score: 6.49741

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / project-context

project-context [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-context": { "items": [ { "key": "project/developers/heading", "title": "Developers", "order": 10000, "header": true, "allowAuthority": [ "manager" ], "items": [ { "key": "project/developers/query", "title": "Query", "uri": "#/project

Score: 6.49741

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / document-subcontext

document-subcontext [ { "evaluator": "context-document-is-datalist", "config": { "document-subcontext": { "items": [ { "key": "document", "items": [ { "key": "datalist/items", "title": "Data List Items", "uri": "{documentUri}/datalist/items" } ] } ] } } }, { "evaluator": "context-document", "config": { "doc

Score: 6.0967875

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / document-subcontext

document-subcontext [ { "evaluator": "context-document-is-datalist", "config": { "document-subcontext": { "items": [ { "key": "document", "items": [ { "key": "datalist/items", "title": "Data List Items", "uri": "{documentUri}/datalist/items" } ] } ] } } }, { "evaluator": "context-document", "config": { "doc

Score: 6.0967875

Running Custom Scripts through Rules Test

You may want a complex action to occur in your project that is specific to your business requirements. We provide a number of out of the box actions that you can easily setup in a Content Rule, but sometimes the requirement goes beyond these functionalities. So, Cloud CMS allows you to write Javascript scripts that will run whenever a rule is triggered. In this example, we will be working with the following definition, call it custom:counter: { "title": "counter", "type": "object", "propertie

Score: 6.0360003

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Overview

_page Access Policies Actions Antivirus Scanning API API Keys Applications Application Server Attachments Auditing Authentication Binary Files Branches Bulk Import Command Line Conditions Content Modeling Cookbooks Deployment Docker Features Find Forms General GraphQL Integrations Multifactor Authentication Modules Narration Optical Character Recognition Platform Policies Projects Publishing Query Recognition Releases Reports Rules Scripting Search Security Single Sign On (SSO) Supported Stacks

Score: 5.9600544

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Local Deployment Handler

Local Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a local Deployment Receiver. The deployment receiver must exist on the same Cloud CMS platform. It is identified by the receiverId property. The Deployment Packages will be handed to the Deployment Receiver and then processed from there. The Deployment Receiver may elect to pass those Deployment Packages down to its own configured targets or process them through additional rules priority to delivery. Configurat

Score: 5.893448

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Samples / Developer Menu Items

Developer Menu Items By default, the Developer menu group is not enabled for users with the 'collaborator' role. Here is an example of how to change the default behavior of Cloud CMS to allow Developer menu options for users with the 'collaborator' role. We could use the following configuration: { "config": { "blocks": [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-context": { "items": [

Score: 5.893448

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Samples / Developer Menu Items

Developer Menu Items By default, the Developer menu group is not enabled for users with the 'collaborator' role. Here is an example of how to change the default behavior of Cloud CMS to allow Developer menu options for users with the 'collaborator' role. We could use the following configuration: { "config": { "blocks": [ { "evaluator": "context-project", "config": { "project-context": { "items": [

Score: 5.893448

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Handlers / Local Deployment Handler

Local Deployment Handler Handles the deployment of one or more Deployment Packages to a local Deployment Receiver. The deployment receiver must exist on the same Cloud CMS platform. It is identified by the receiverId property. The Deployment Packages will be handed to the Deployment Receiver and then processed from there. The Deployment Receiver may elect to pass those Deployment Packages down to its own configured targets or process them through additional rules priority to delivery. Configurat

Score: 5.893448

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 5.8607

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 5.8607

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide

UI Developers Guide The Cloud CMS user interface is an HTML / JavaScript application that comes pre-configured with a base application that is feature-complete and out-of-the-box. It includes a ready-to-run content management and collaboration tool set for managing documents, web sites, mobile content and more. It also makes some default assumptions about page layout, placement of buttons, availability of functionality and role-based provisioning that may or may not match your desired editorial

Score: 5.820676

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Overview

UI Developers Guide The Cloud CMS user interface is an HTML / JavaScript application that comes pre-configured with a base application that is feature-complete and out-of-the-box. It includes a ready-to-run content management and collaboration tool set for managing documents, web sites, mobile content and more. It also makes some default assumptions about page layout, placement of buttons, availability of functionality and role-based provisioning that may or may not match your desired editorial

Score: 5.820676