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Limiting Folder Access to Specific Users

When you create a Project in Cloud CMS, the Project is automatically configured with a Project Users team that grants the Consumer role to any project members. As a result, any members of the Project will have the ability to see all content within the Project. For many, this works just fine. However, there may be cases where you want to limit certain Folders to only be accessible by specific Users. Let's walk through some steps on how to do this. Change the Project Users team security policy Fir

Score: 0.8674052

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Knowledge Space

Knowledge Space QName: f:knowledge-space Used to indicate that a node should behave as a Knowledge Space. A Knowledge Space has zero or more knowledge properties. A knowledge property is a regular old property on your JSON object that is special in that its value may propagate to other nodes automatically. A Knowledge Space is holds the "master value" for those knowledge properties. When those properties change, their new values are pushed to any other nodes that are sharing the knowledge from t

Score: 0.8652036

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Knowledge Space

Knowledge Space QName: f:knowledge-space Used to indicate that a node should behave as a Knowledge Space. A Knowledge Space has zero or more knowledge properties. A knowledge property is a regular old property on your JSON object that is special in that its value may propagate to other nodes automatically. A Knowledge Space is holds the "master value" for those knowledge properties. When those properties change, their new values are pushed to any other nodes that are sharing the knowledge from t

Score: 0.8652036

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Templates / Workflow Task

Workflow Task Name: workflowTask Property Type Description id string The ID of the workflow task title string The title of the workflow task description string The description of the workflow task timeStarted calendar The time the workflow was started timeCompleted calendar The time the workflow was completed (if completed) context object Contextual variables being passed along with the workflow task workflowData object Data being passed along with the workflow task workflowId string The ID of t

Score: 0.85941464

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Templates / Workflow Task

Workflow Task Name: workflowTask Property Type Description id string The ID of the workflow task title string The title of the workflow task description string The description of the workflow task timeStarted calendar The time the workflow was started timeCompleted calendar The time the workflow was completed (if completed) context object Contextual variables being passed along with the workflow task workflowData object Data being passed along with the workflow task workflowId string The ID of t

Score: 0.85941464

Sync from one environment to another

Within Cloud CMS sync capabiities are generally referred to as the "transfer system". They allow you to export individual objects, data stores or even collections of these as an archive (ZIP) within a vault. You can then move those archives to storage for backup or move them to new Cloud CMS server instances for restoration or replication. We have support for transfer within our API, our drivers and also within the user interface. The latter is useful in that you can script it pretty effectively

Score: 0.85941464

Security Policy - Gitana

Security Policy - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and cu

Score: 0.85496956

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Attachment Properties

Attachment Properties Cloud CMS provides support for properties that auto-manage the creation, update and deletion of binary attachments for a node. These are known as "attachment properties". They provide an easy way for editorial users to manage binary attachments from within a form. Attachment properties provide the following benefits: They provide an easy form-driven way for editorial users to upload and manage named attachments of a node. They automatically reflect important attachment info

Score: 0.85447806

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Tags / @dependency

@dependency Indicates that the cache state for a WCM-generated page has a dependency. Dependencies play two important roles within Cloud CMS. First, they indicate to the runtime whether the previously cached output for a page may be used to service a future request ("requirements"). And second, they identify which data objects were used to build the page output ("produces"). This latter information is then be used to invalidate page objects when content items change within the Cloud CMS editoria

Score: 0.85447806

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Definitions / Feature Definition

Feature Definition A Feature Definition is a cross-cutting concern or Aspect that you can apply arbitrarily to content instances or content types (to apply to all instances of a type). A Feature Definition is used to optionally describe additional schema that should be applied to a content or association type. Feature Definitions also endow content instances with special behaviors. Feature Definitions are defined in much the same way as Types or Associations. Each Feature has a QName and the JSO

Score: 0.85447806

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Tags / @dependency

@dependency Indicates that the cache state for a WCM-generated page has a dependency. Dependencies play two important roles within Cloud CMS. First, they indicate to the runtime whether the previously cached output for a page may be used to service a future request ("requirements"). And second, they identify which data objects were used to build the page output ("produces"). This latter information is then be used to invalidate page objects when content items change within the Cloud CMS editoria

Score: 0.85447806

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Attachment Properties

Attachment Properties Cloud CMS provides support for properties that auto-manage the creation, update and deletion of binary attachments for a node. These are known as "attachment properties". They provide an easy way for editorial users to manage binary attachments from within a form. Attachment properties provide the following benefits: They provide an easy form-driven way for editorial users to upload and manage named attachments of a node. They automatically reflect important attachment info

Score: 0.85447806

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Definitions / Feature Definition

Feature Definition A Feature Definition is a cross-cutting concern or Aspect that you can apply arbitrarily to content instances or content types (to apply to all instances of a type). A Feature Definition is used to optionally describe additional schema that should be applied to a content or association type. Feature Definitions also endow content instances with special behaviors. Feature Definitions are defined in much the same way as Types or Associations. Each Feature has a QName and the JSO

Score: 0.85447806

The top 3 features that differentiate Cloud CMS from the competition

You have determined you need a Content Management System (CMS) and have begun the daunting task of reducing the number of CMS products to a manageable number to evaluate in depth. Having reached this article you are aware of, or interested in, CMSs that can be described as: Headless CMS, API First, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Decoupled CMS, Cloud-First. I am sure there are more beautiful categorizations and terminology provided by the latest analyst buzz. As much as I may not like the catagori

Score: 0.84867597

Dynamic ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain with Apache 2

We do a lot of HTML5 and JavaScript application hosting at Cloud CMS. Our platform lets you build HTML5 applications and deploy them to our cloud infrastructure with just a couple of clicks. As a result, we’ve gotten pretty friendly with Apache 2, virtual hosts, mod_rewrite, proxies and more. Applications built on our platform use OAuth2 over SSL. We support all of the authentication flows even for HTML5/JS applications. Inherently, these applications are considered “untrusted” in any two-legged

Score: 0.84867597

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / And

And The and condition tests whether one or more sub-conditions are all true. This joins the sub-conditions together in a logical AND. JSON Schema { "title": "And", "properties": { "conditions": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string" }, "config": { "type": "object"

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Remove Features

Remove Features Type: removeFeatures This handler removes features from a node that is part of the workflow's payload. This can be used to remove one or more features from your content instances as they flow through your workflow. The config for this handler is as follows: { "features": [{ "qname": "" }] } Each of the features identified by qname will be removed from the documents attached to the workflow payload. Here is an example configuration which assumes tha

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions / And

And The and condition tests whether one or more sub-conditions are all true. This joins the sub-conditions together in a logical AND. JSON Schema { "title": "And", "properties": { "conditions": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string" }, "config": { "type": "object"

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Remove Features

Remove Features Type: removeFeatures This handler removes features from a node that is part of the workflow's payload. This can be used to remove one or more features from your content instances as they flow through your workflow. The config for this handler is as follows: { "features": [{ "qname": "" }] } Each of the features identified by qname will be removed from the documents attached to the workflow payload. Here is an example configuration which assumes tha

Score: 0.84622437

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Web Content Management

Web Content Management The Application Server provides the runtime for the Cloud CMS Web Content Management solution. Web Content Management is a term that enterprise vendors have been using for years to distinguish between the role that a CMS (content management system) plays for an organization - it may be used to collaborate around your internal documents, legal records, digital assets and many other content items in addition to your web and mobile content. Cloud CMS provides a Web Content Ma

Score: 0.8451559

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Web Content Management

Web Content Management The Application Server provides the runtime for the Cloud CMS Web Content Management solution. Web Content Management is a term that enterprise vendors have been using for years to distinguish between the role that a CMS (content management system) plays for an organization - it may be used to collaborate around your internal documents, legal records, digital assets and many other content items in addition to your web and mobile content. Cloud CMS provides a Web Content Ma

Score: 0.8451559

Security: Grade A

Cloud CMS comes in two flavors - on-premise and hosted. For our hosted customers, we host 100% of Cloud CMS and take care of all of the data backup, migrations, security, load balancing and… well, everything! It’s the whole kit and kaboodle. It’s all of the DevOps and stuff solved for you. One of the fun aspects of this is keeping up with security requirements around SSL and HTTP Transport. Cloud CMS customers automatically gain the advantage of SSL for all of their communication with the Cloud

Score: 0.8435493

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / Property Comparison

Property Comparison The propertyComparison condition tests whether a given property matches a comparison to a given value. You can use this to test whether a value is greater than or less than another value (among other operations). JSON Schema { "title": "Property Comparison", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "comparison": { "type": "string", "title": "Comparison",

Score: 0.8369597