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Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / References

References References provide a way for you to link two definitions together so as to reuse one of the definitions in the other. It gives you a way to centrally define something and then have that something's schema get reused in other definitions in your content model. For example, suppose you have an my:author definition that looks like this: { "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string", "title": "First Name" }, "la

Score: 1.259167

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Observables

Observables Alpaca maintains observables that can be subscribed to by listeners that want to listen for changes to values in the form. An observable exists for every field and registration can be either programmatic or driven from configuration. In general, if you're sticking to straight JSON-schema, you won't find much use for observables. JSON schema is fairly fixed in terms of its interdependency of fields (see dependencies). Rather, observables are most useful when you really want to take fu

Score: 1.259167

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS The Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fast, flexible, fully managed pub-sub messaging service. Use it as a cloud-based mobile app notification service to send push notifications, email, and SMS messages; or as an enterprise-messaging infrastructure. Amazon SNS provides support for Push Notification of messages as well as distribution of messages to custom HTTP endpoints or via conventional SMS, email and other messaging channels. Cloud CMS API Cloud CMS connects to Amazon

Score: 1.19386

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Integrations / Amazon Web Services / Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS The Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fast, flexible, fully managed pub-sub messaging service. Use it as a cloud-based mobile app notification service to send push notifications, email, and SMS messages; or as an enterprise-messaging infrastructure. Amazon SNS provides support for Push Notification of messages as well as distribution of messages to custom HTTP endpoints or via conventional SMS, email and other messaging channels. Cloud CMS API Cloud CMS connects to Amazon

Score: 1.19386

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Events

Events Alpaca allows you to bind event handlers to containers and individual fields that are triggered either directly or via propagation. Event handlers can be registered in the following ways: Configuration driven by specifying functions within Alpaca options Using the postRender method and calling on() for individual fields By extending Alpaca Field implementation classes This document covers how to set these up. Event Types In general, event handlers are invoked with the this reference set t

Score: 1.19386

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Services / Cache

Cache The Cache Service is responsible for providing an application server cache that all processes, whether local or distributed, have access to for non-transactional caching. Objects stored in the cache are eventually available to other members of the cluster (if there are any), no matter whether running on the same server or on other servers in the cluster. Modes The Cloud CMS Application Server can run in one of three modes: single node cluster multiple nodes (on a single process) sticky-clu

Score: 1.1349937

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Services / Cache

Cache The Cache Service is responsible for providing an application server cache that all processes, whether local or distributed, have access to for non-transactional caching. Objects stored in the cache are eventually available to other members of the cluster (if there are any), no matter whether running on the same server or on other servers in the cluster. Modes The Cloud CMS Application Server can run in one of three modes: single node cluster multiple nodes (on a single process) sticky-clu

Score: 1.1349937

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Kits

Kits Cloud CMS ships a number of pre-built kits containing Docker configuration files to help you get start. These kits are built from customer feedback to provide the most commonly requested scenarios. They can be used straight away or at the very least can serve as a useful reference. To download the Cloud CMS Docker Kits, please visit our Docker download page. Kits All of the Docker kits utilize Docker and Docker Compose. In each kit, you'll find a docker-compose.yml file which describes the

Score: 1.0331129

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Datastore Deletion

Datastore Deletion This page describes the process for manually removing MongoDB databases when a Cloud CMS datastore is deleted. When you delete a datastore within Cloud CMS, the datastore itself is marked as deleted. It will not longer be available for usage within Cloud CMS. That said, the MongoDB database itself will remain on disk. It is not automatically deleted. The MongoDB administrator will need to remove this database as a separate action. This provides a separation of concerns. Cloud

Score: 1.0331129

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Kits / Overview

Kits Cloud CMS ships a number of pre-built kits containing Docker configuration files to help you get start. These kits are built from customer feedback to provide the most commonly requested scenarios. They can be used straight away or at the very least can serve as a useful reference. To download the Cloud CMS Docker Kits, please visit our Docker download page. Kits All of the Docker kits utilize Docker and Docker Compose. In each kit, you'll find a docker-compose.yml file which describes the

Score: 1.0331129

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 0.9105165

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Scripting / Overview

Scripting Cloud CMS provides a server-side Scripting API that allows you to write custom actions, rules and behaviors that execute on the server. These scripts can be introduced at any time and do not require any server downtime. Developers can write scripts and hook them into Cloud CMS at any time to adjust how the product behaves and operates. The Scripting API consists of a set of server-side Scripting Objects that wrap your content and expose a select set of API service methods for your use.

Score: 0.9105165

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Renditionable

Renditionable QName: f:renditionable Marks that an instance or type is to have one or more renditions. Renditions are other nodes in the branch whose content is automatically generated and kept in sync as the source node is created, updated and deleted (or has its relevant attachment modified). Configuration

Property Type Default Read-Only Description

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Application

Application Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTyp

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Repository

Repository Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreType

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Vault

Vault Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}{

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Data Types / Web Host

Web Host Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Application

Application Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTyp

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Directory

Directory Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Domain

Domain Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeId}}

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Registrar

Registrar Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreTypeI

Score: 0.87587094

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Data Types / Repository

Repository Configuration and custom properties. You can write your own properties onto this configuration document if you wish. You might use those properties to query and retrieve the directory at a later time. Some system properties are read-only and others are writable. You can adjust the writable properties to modify the behavior and characteristics of the directory. The following table presents you the system properties. Data Store Properties Data Store Type {{#dataTypeArticle datastoreType

Score: 0.87587094