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Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Bulk Import / Overview

Bulk Import Cloud CMS provides a bulk import tool that makes it easy to load content into Cloud CMS from a variety of external file formats and data sources. The bulk import tool ingests this data and writes it into a Cloud CMS branch within a single transaction so that you don't suffer from partial imports due to a failure along the way. The Cloud CMS bulk import tool is designed to help you migrate existing content into Cloud CMS. This may include desktop files or structured data from legacy c

Score: 0.6318139

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / UI Views

UI Views Customized changes to the user interface configuration can be introduced through the use of UI View configuration documents. UI Views are JSON documents that contain one or more configuration blocks. The UI View configuration blocks are loaded after the standard configuration document and therefore have the opportunity to either extend or override the base configuration. UI View are scoped either to the platform or to the project. As such, you can use UI Config objects to customize the

Score: 0.61375403

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / UI Views

UI Views Customized changes to the user interface configuration can be introduced through the use of UI View configuration documents. UI Views are JSON documents that contain one or more configuration blocks. The UI View configuration blocks are loaded after the standard configuration document and therefore have the opportunity to either extend or override the base configuration. UI View are scoped either to the platform or to the project. As such, you can use UI Config objects to customize the

Score: 0.61375403

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / platform-manage-context

platform-manage-context [ { "evaluator": "context-platform", "config": { "platform-manage-context": { "items": [ { "key": "platform/manage/header", "title": "Manage Platform", "header": true, "order": 10000, "allowAuthority": [ "owner", "manager", "admin" ], "items": [ { "key": "platform/settings",

Score: 0.61314946

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / platform-manage-context

platform-manage-context [ { "evaluator": "context-platform", "config": { "platform-manage-context": { "items": [ { "key": "platform/manage/header", "title": "Manage Platform", "header": true, "order": 10000, "allowAuthority": [ "owner", "manager", "admin" ], "items": [ { "key": "platform/settings",

Score: 0.61314946

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Forms

Forms Alpaca lets you wrap a standard HTML form binding around your rendered fields to support both direct HTML submits and Ajax, behind-the-scenes submits. You can pass form configuration into the Alpaca engine to control the POST itself and also to bind buttons to the screen for the user to submit the form. If you're interested in multi-step forms, take a look at the section on wizards which describes how you can split fields across multiple pages in a form. You can then capture the data at th

Score: 0.61314946

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Single Sign On (SSO) / Keycloak

Keycloak This page provides an example of how to configure Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) for JBoss KeyCloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management product provided by JBoss/RedHat. Keycloak plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Keycloak straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety of Identity Pr

Score: 0.60701746

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / Single Sign On (SSO) / Keycloak

Keycloak This page provides an example of how to configure Cloud CMS Single Sign On (SSO) for JBoss KeyCloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management product provided by JBoss/RedHat. Keycloak plays the role of an Identity Provider that speaks SAML 2.0 and/or JWT. Cloud CMS integrates via either of these mechanism and can therefore integrate to Keycloak straight away as an identity provider. Cloud CMS provides Single Sign On (SSO) Enterprise support for a variety of Identity Pr

Score: 0.60701746

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Wizards

Wizards Alpaca lets you arrange your form into simple multi-step wizards along with buttons for previous, next and submit using a simple configuration-driven approach. Wizards are essentially fields within a single form that are split across multiple DIVS, letting you orchestrate a single and non-conditional flow path as DIVs are hidden and shown in sequence. In addition, wizards optionally allow for configuration-driven options to assert the validation state of the set of shown fields before al

Score: 0.60701746

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Deployment / Deployment Receivers

Deployment Receivers A Deployment Receiver acts as an endpoint for local and remote Deployment Handlers that seek to ship their Deployment Packages to a destination. These are frequently used to move content between data centers or across different parts of the world to solve for latency issues (or to simply move content to the correct side of a DMZ for security reasons or runtime-performance reasons). Cloud CMS lets you create Deployment Receivers from within its user interface. You can create

Score: 0.5954088

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 0.5954088

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 0.5954088

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Deployment / Deployment Receivers

Deployment Receivers A Deployment Receiver acts as an endpoint for local and remote Deployment Handlers that seek to ship their Deployment Packages to a destination. These are frequently used to move content between data centers or across different parts of the world to solve for latency issues (or to simply move content to the correct side of a DMZ for security reasons or runtime-performance reasons). Cloud CMS lets you create Deployment Receivers from within its user interface. You can create

Score: 0.5954088

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / GraphQL

GraphQL Cloud CMS supports query via GraphQL. GraphQL is offered as a core API that sits alongside the Cloud CMS REST APIs. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language specification that is widely used across many CMS systems, servers and clients. GraphQL is offered so as to make it even easier for developers to quickly integrate and work with content inside of Cloud CMS. In Cloud CMS, all GraphQL calls are scoped to a branch. Each branch has its own GraphQL SDL schema that is

Score: 0.59526134

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Discovery / GraphQL

GraphQL Cloud CMS supports query via GraphQL. GraphQL is offered as a core API that sits alongside the Cloud CMS REST APIs. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language specification that is widely used across many CMS systems, servers and clients. GraphQL is offered so as to make it even easier for developers to quickly integrate and work with content inside of Cloud CMS. In Cloud CMS, all GraphQL calls are scoped to a branch. Each branch has its own GraphQL SDL schema that is

Score: 0.59526134

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Repository Compression

Repository Compression Cloud CMS content is stored within a Repository. A Repository differs from other types of data stores in that it provides Copy-On-Write mechanics using Changeset-driven versioning. Every time you create, update or delete content within a repository, those adjustments are written onto a new Changeset. Changesets are layered automatically and provide a stack of differences that, over time, allow you to scroll back to any moment in time to see a perfect capture of every modif

Score: 0.573201

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Repository Compression

Repository Compression Cloud CMS content is stored within a Repository. A Repository differs from other types of data stores in that it provides Copy-On-Write mechanics using Changeset-driven versioning. Every time you create, update or delete content within a repository, those adjustments are written onto a new Changeset. Changesets are layered automatically and provide a stack of differences that, over time, allow you to scroll back to any moment in time to see a perfect capture of every modif

Score: 0.573201

The Beauty of Cloud CMS Chaining

Chaining is a common technique that has been widely adopted by modern JavaScript libraries to chain method calls together. The goal of chaining is to produce elegant and concise code that is easy to understand or maintain. For example, if you are a jQuery developer, you may produce similar code like this on daily basis. $('#mydiv').empty().html('Hello Word!').css('font-size','10px'); However, most popular JavaScript libraries only support “static” chaining, e.g. DOM object manipulation. If the m

Score: 0.573201

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Ruby Cookbook

Ruby Cookbook Getting Started The Ruby driver is published to Install the gem as you would any other Gem gem install cloudcms You may choose to use Bundler or other dependency management tool. Connecting to Gitana To connect, create a file called gitana.json in a folder location readable by your application. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up on Acquiring your API Keys. Load the library containing the driver: require 'cloudcms' Connect

Score: 0.5628387

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 0.5628387

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Ruby Cookbook

Ruby Cookbook Getting Started The Ruby driver is published to Install the gem as you would any other Gem gem install cloudcms You may choose to use Bundler or other dependency management tool. Connecting to Gitana To connect, create a file called gitana.json in a folder location readable by your application. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up on API Keys. Load the library containing the driver: require 'cloudcms' Connect to Cloud CMS by

Score: 0.5628387

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Deleted Items

Deleted Items Cloud CMS provides a "copy on write" mechanism for any creates, updates or deletes to the content in a branch. This means that whenever you delete something, you're actually masking it as deleted. The content itself is never destroyed or removed permanently. As such, it is always possible walk backwards in time and discover content that was deleted - all the way back to the moment when your branch or repository was created. To make things easier, Cloud CMS provides a "deletions" in

Score: 0.5628387

Documentation: Developers - Overview - Gitana

Documentation: Developers - Overview - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI servi

Score: 0.5426309

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Configuration / API Server

API Server The Cloud CMS API Server is a Java application that launches inside of a Java Servlet Container. The Java application surfaces a REST API as well as backend services and DAOs to support connectivity to Mongo DB, Elastic Search and a slew of Amazon services including S3, SNS, SQS, Route 53, Cloud Front and more. Properties File Cloud CMS is primarily configured via a properties file that is auto-detected and loaded when the underlying Spring Framework starts up. This properties file is

Score: 0.5366964

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Java Cookbook

Java Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Java driver, please visit the Gitana Java Driver Page. We recommend that you use Maven. At a minimum, you will need to add the following repository declaration to your pom.xml file: cloudcms-public cloudcms-public Note that newer vesions of Maven require secure repositories so if you cur

Score: 0.5366336