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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Google

Google Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Google. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Google. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Google API Keys You will need to configure a Google application and have the following infor

Score: 1.2661803

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Twitter

Twitter Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Twitter. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Twitter. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Twitter API Keys You will need to configure a Twitter application and have the following

Score: 1.2661803

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / GitHub

GitHub Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with GitHub. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against GitHub. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. GitHub API Keys You will need to configure a GitHub application and have the following infor

Score: 1.2661803

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Google

Google Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Google. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Google. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Google API Keys You will need to configure a Google application and have the following infor

Score: 1.2661803

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / Authentication / Providers / Twitter

Twitter Cloud CMS provides integrated authentication and single-sign-on (SSO) with Twitter. This page describes the authentication provider available for the Cloud CMS Application Server that enables your mobile or web applications as well as the Cloud CMS user interface or API to authenticate against Twitter. For more information on Authentication within the App Server, see App Server Authentication / SSO. Twitter API Keys You will need to configure a Twitter application and have the following

Score: 1.2661803

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Binary Files / File System Binary Storage

File System Binary Storage Cloud CMS supports store binary files to a direct file system volume or mount by by allowing it to serve as a backend provider for the storage of binary files within Cloud CMS. When files are uploaded to Cloud CMS, they are parsed and worked with and then eventually written down to the file system for persistence. When users seek to download those binary files, they are streamed back from disk. Depending on how you elect to configure your binary storage providers, Clou

Score: 1.2648433

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Platform / Binary Files / File System Binary Storage

File System Binary Storage Cloud CMS supports store binary files to a direct file system volume or mount by by allowing it to serve as a backend provider for the storage of binary files within Cloud CMS. When files are uploaded to Cloud CMS, they are parsed and worked with and then eventually written down to the file system for persistence. When users seek to download those binary files, they are streamed back from disk. Depending on how you elect to configure your binary storage providers, Clou

Score: 1.2648433

Migrating Binary files to S3

By default, on-premise installations of Cloud CMS are configured with a GridFS (`gridfs`) Binary Storage Provider. This allows Cloud CMS to read and write binary files (such as attachments) to GridFS. At some point, as your installation grows, you may want change this. Suppose you wanted to move your binary files into S3 and use S3 as a Binary Storage Provider for Cloud CMS. To do so, we recommend the following steps: 1. Make a backup of your Cloud CMS database. 2. Create an S3 bucket and IAM us

Score: 1.2645096

How does Cloud CMS work with a CDN

There are a few places where this either occurs automatically if you're using our hosted service or can occur optionally if you're either running within Docker containers on your own or integrating to custom CDN endpoints. First, the API itself can be fronted by a CDN that supports fallback lookup to an origin server. In this case, we recommend Amazon CloudFront with short-lived TTLs on cache headers. More specifically, you can use Amazon's API Gateway to get caching coverage across multiple geo

Score: 1.2522842

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting Important This section only applies to Cloud CMS Hosted Subscriptions Your Cloud CMS subscription may be configured to limit the number of concurrent API calls you are allowed to make per band. This is known as rate-limiting. When the number of concurrent API calls exceeds your tenant's configured rate limit for a given band, you will experience rate limiting. Generally, this consists of receiving an HTTP 429 response code and response headers that describe the rate limiting. The a

Score: 1.2431881

How to Retrieve content by their document library path

You can retrieve content by their document library path using the CMS API using the Node API. For example, you can paginate through the children of a node using this call:!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId_children GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{nodeId}/children?path={path} In this case, you would set "nodeId" to the value "root" to indicate the root node. And then use "path" to describe the offset. If yo

Score: 1.2419803

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / Validation

Validation Alpaca computes the validity of fields in a rendered form and updates the DOM automatically to reflect things nicely for the end user. When validity checks run, the entire tree is traversed and computed. Each field being traversed will have it's outer DOM element updated with new classes. The alpaca-valid class is applied to fields that are in a valid state. The alpaca-invalid class is applied to fields that in an invalid state. In addition, a field may be in an invalid state and also

Score: 1.2356336

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 1.2335883

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Health Check / Load Balancers

Health Check / Load Balancers In a production configuration of Cloud CMS, you will want to have a load balancer (LB) in front of both your API and UI clusters. You should have one load balancer for the API cluster and one load balancer for the UI cluster. Each load balancer is responsible for receiving requests from the outside world and efficiently distributing those requests to the N servers that make up each cluster. Load balancers use a number of strategies to try to determine which servers

Score: 1.2335883

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Publishing / Preview Servers

Preview Servers Before your changes go to Live website i.e. on the Production mode, to discover problems and fix them right away you can set up the Preview Servers and review the content changes instantly. You can look at the default Preview Servers under Manage Project : The default servers are Authoring and Production and are setup to a sample URL which can be modified with your website URL or some API or an Application. To add your Custom Server, you can click on Add Preview Server and set-up

Score: 1.2335883

Gitana / 4.0 / Self Managed / Maintenance / Health Check / Load Balancers

Health Check / Load Balancers In a production configuration of Cloud CMS, you will want to have a load balancer (LB) in front of both your API and UI clusters. You should have one load balancer for the API cluster and one load balancer for the UI cluster. Each load balancer is responsible for receiving requests from the outside world and efficiently distributing those requests to the N servers that make up each cluster. Load balancers use a number of strategies to try to determine which servers

Score: 1.2335883

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Overview

UI Developers Guide The Cloud CMS user interface is an HTML / JavaScript application that comes pre-configured with a base application that is feature-complete and out-of-the-box. It includes a ready-to-run content management and collaboration tool set for managing documents, web sites, mobile content and more. It also makes some default assumptions about page layout, placement of buttons, availability of functionality and role-based provisioning that may or may not match your desired editorial

Score: 1.2329154

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 1.204446

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Maintenance / Container Hooks

Container Hooks This page describes the configuration of HTTP hooks that can be wired into your container orchestration framework to facilitate container lifecycle events (such as shutdown). Lifecycle Hooks Your container orchestration framework likely supports the ability to signal a running API container when one of the following occurs: A container has finished starting up. A container is about to be shut down. In the Kubernetes world, there are two lifecycle hooks (postStart and preStop). Th

Score: 1.204446

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Application Server / URL Addressability / Login and Logout

Login and Logout The Application Server provides login and logout support for development teams that wish to store their users and user account information inside of Cloud CMS Domains. Cloud CMS Domains are LDAP-like storage facilities for users, groups, group memberships and more. They're not required, technically, since the Application Server can accommodate other storage facilities (such as LDAP itself), but they're incredibly useful if you can use them since they let you take advantage of us

Score: 1.204446

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Find

Find The Cloud CMS Find Service lets you discover and retrieve content using combinations of its three primary content retrieval mechanisms. These mechanisms are: Query (powered by Mongo DB) Search (powered by Elastic Search) Traversal (provides Graph Traversal) A "Find" operation provides a way for you to execute a single API lookup that runs one or more of the above and composes them into a single result set. How it Works When you make a "Find" call, you provide a recipe containing at least on

Score: 1.1895723

Gitana / 4.0 / Content Engine / Discovery / Find

Find The Cloud CMS Find Service lets you discover and retrieve content using combinations of its three primary content retrieval mechanisms. These mechanisms are: Query (powered by Mongo DB) Search (powered by Elastic Search) Traversal (provides Graph Traversal) A "Find" operation provides a way for you to execute a single API lookup that runs one or more of the above and composes them into a single result set. How it Works When you make a "Find" call, you provide a recipe containing at least on

Score: 1.1895723

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.79

3.2.79 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.79. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.79, we are proud to announce official support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being

Score: 1.1818717

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.80

3.2.80 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.80. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.80, we officially support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being 10% cheaper than x8

Score: 1.1818717

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Docker / Upgrades / 3.2.81

3.2.81 Upgrade Notes The notes supplied here pertain to upgrading to Cloud CMS version 3.2.81. Release Notes The release notes for this release are available here: Support for ARM-64 With version 3.2.81, we officially support for ARM aarch64 architectures. This provides our customers with a choice of chip architectures to deploy on. The demand for ARM has increased as performance testing has shown a 20% better performance while being 10% cheaper than x8

Score: 1.1818717