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How can I reuse connections with the Java Driver?The Cloud CMS Java Driver uses a thread local variable to store the authentication context it receives after connecting. This is perhaps unusual for folks who are coming from the JavaScript world but should be very familiar for anyone who works with common JavaScript frameworks such as Spring Framework or Spring Security. When the authentication completes, the Java Driver constructs a "Driver" object that it stores into a thread local variable using the following call: DriverContext.setDriver(dr
Score: 5.3285637
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Frameworks / Nuxt.jsNuxt.js Generate static sites with Cloud CMS Building a static site with Cloud CMS content is simple with Nuxt JS. Below you will find tools and examples for how to get started. Cloud CMS Nuxt JS Module We provide a Cloud CMS Nuxt Module to make accessing content while generating Nuxt pages easier. It provides quick way to setup connections to cloudcms and perform API functions via our Javascript driver, and automatically create static links to your attachments. To install, just run: npm install
Score: 5.1878977
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / ModulesModules All you need to build your own add-on modules is GitHub and some JavaScript / HTML skills. You can get started quickly by forking the Cloud CMS UI Sample Add-on Module repository on GitHub. This sample add-on works with the data set provided by the Sample Project (which is included with every free trial). Fork the Sample Module on GitHub Register your Module Note: To register your module, you must have Manager rights to your tenant. If you do not have Manager rights, you will either need
Score: 5.118835
Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Modules / OverviewModules All you need to build your own add-on modules is GitHub and some JavaScript / HTML skills. You can get started quickly by forking the Cloud CMS UI Sample Add-on Module repository on GitHub. This sample add-on works with the data set provided by the Sample Project (which is included with every free trial). Fork the Sample Module on GitHub Register your Module Note: To register your module, you must have Manager rights to your tenant. If you do not have Manager rights, you will either need
Score: 5.118835
How to monitor API traffic from a node js appIt is sometimes helpful to see the API traffic that is going on between the Gitana javascript driver and the Cloud CMS API server. This is a non-intrusive method of doing that. install a tool called Charles Proxy This is an excellent tool for monitoring http/https traffic. Once installed, start Charles Proxy and enable reverse proxy: Check "Enable Reverse Proxies" and then click the "Add" button. A port will be assigned (55703 in the example below). Set Remote Host
Score: 4.8950024
Finding sanity by losing your headThere was a lot of chatter last year regarding a “headless” or “decoupled” CMS design. Zeitgeist, maybe… countermovement, definitely. Since their inception, every expansion of content management software along the continuum from managing basic websites to full-on digital experiences drove CMSes further and further into the application’s presentation tier. In parallel, we witnessed the maturity of frameworks such as Angular, Ember, and Ionic (just to name a few) - all pushing development out to t
Score: 4.8950024
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / RulesRules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso
Score: 4.697403
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / RulesRules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso
Score: 4.697403
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Authentication / DriversDrivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa
Score: 4.660272
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Authentication / DriversDrivers To connect to Cloud CMS, you need to establish two important pieces of information: The client that you are connecting as The user that you are signing on as The only way that a remote application can connect to your platform is if it can produce the correct credentials to identify itself as a client that you know about. As the platform administrator, you issue a client key/secret ahead of time. The application then needs to present these credentials to you and prove that it is who it sa
Score: 4.660272
Chaining vs. PromisesThe Cloud CMS JavaScript driver provides it's own internal chaining library that makes it easier to manage callbacks in asynchronous JS applications. The chaining library is powerful and bears some similarity to modern promise libraries. But it is important to bear in mind that it is distinct apart from having some similar method signatures. One similarity in structure in that both promises and chaining have a then() method to resolve the callback. However, the chaining library's chained methods
Score: 4.55232
Easy Forms with Cloud CMSOne of the many uses of Cloud CMS is as a storage and reporting mechanism for forms. If you’re looking to put a form up onto your web or mobile site, Cloud CMS serves as an excellent option for capturing and storing this information. Fundamentally, Cloud CMS provides the Alpaca forms engine. Alpaca is an open-source JavaScript library for jQuery. It makes it easy to design and insert forms into your sites. Cloud CMS built Alpaca and been working with the broader community to improve it and make
Score: 4.55232
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Cookbooks / Node.js CookbookNode.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up
Score: 4.4676914
Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Cookbooks / Node.js CookbookNode.js Cookbook Getting Started To get started with the Node.js driver, please visit the Cloud CMS Node.js Driver Page. One thing to keep in mind is that the Node.js driver is based on the JavaScript driver. As such, they're pretty similar. That said, the Node.js driver can do a few important tricks that you can't do in the JavaScript driver. Connecting to Cloud CMS To connect, create a file called gitana.json in your application root. For information on how to acquire this file, please read up
Score: 4.4676914
How do I search for nested content?Cloud CMS maintains two indexes that are of interest for finding things. The primary index is the MongoDB index - against which you can run any query you can dream up using the MongoDB DSL. The secondary index is the Elastic Search index - against which you can run any search you can dream up using the Elastic Search DSL. For information all kinds of really powerful stuff you can do with this, see:
Score: 4.3983626
Careers - GitanaCareers - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and curate con
Score: 4.3486204
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / FormsForms Cloud CMS automatically generates and displays mobile-friendly forms using the Alpaca Javascript / HTML5 forms engine. The Alpaca Forms Engine was created by Cloud CMS and is available as an open source project. In addition to the standard library of 40+ controls provided by Alpacajs, Cloud CMS provides support for several additional controls that run within the Cloud CMS user interface. Schemas and Forms Cloud CMS separates the concept of a schema from a form. A schema (or definition) des
Score: 4.2544785
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / OverviewForms Cloud CMS automatically generates and displays mobile-friendly forms using the Alpaca Javascript / HTML5 forms engine. The Alpaca Forms Engine was created by Cloud CMS and is available as an open source project. In addition to the standard library of 40+ controls provided by Alpacajs, Cloud CMS provides support for several additional controls that run within the Cloud CMS user interface. Schemas and Forms Cloud CMS separates the concept of a schema from a form. A schema (or definition) des
Score: 4.2544785
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / API / StatisticsStatistics Cloud CMS automatically collects and aggregates node statistics for you as you connect nodes together in the content graph. Nodes are entities and associations are used to connect them together through a series of relationships. As nodes are connected together, both the source and target node may optionally adjust the statistics tracked on either end of the relationship. These statistics generally track aggregations, sums and totals of counters for properties on either end of the rela
Score: 4.1197095
Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / StatisticsStatistics Cloud CMS automatically collects and aggregates node statistics for you as you connect nodes together in the content graph. Nodes are entities and associations are used to connect them together through a series of relationships. As nodes are connected together, both the source and target node may optionally adjust the statistics tracked on either end of the relationship. These statistics generally track aggregations, sums and totals of counters for properties on either end of the rela
Score: 4.1197095
Create Once, Publish Everywhere!One of the things that our customers love about Cloud CMS is that it lets them create content once and easily publish it to all of their mobile and web applications. It reduces the amount of work required to create fresh and interesting content and saves them time and money in the process. Our goal is straightforward. We want to provide all of the things that small business owners need on the backend to give their users a seamless experience in creating, editing and publishing content. With Clou
Score: 3.9932165
Tree HierarchiesIn Cloud CMS, there are no hard and fast rules regarding association types between nodes. And so, when dealing with things like tree structures, you usually have to first make some assumptions about the kinds of relationships between nodes that you want to traverse. For arbitrary relationships and traversals around nodes, Cloud CMS provides traversal methods which are a bit more intensive to use. However, if you're using typical a:child relationships between nodes (which is what Cloud CMS uses f
Score: 3.8742604
Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / ViewsViews When Alpaca runs, the very first thing it does is sort out which view implementation it will use to render the schema and options that you provide. A view implementation consists of an ID and an implementation class. The implementation class serves as a reference object that Alpaca uses to determine things along the way such as: which template to render for a given form, container or control type what CSS classes to inject into rendered elements what callback behaviors to run against rende
Score: 3.4308739
Dynamic ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain with Apache 2We do a lot of HTML5 and JavaScript application hosting at Cloud CMS. Our platform lets you build HTML5 applications and deploy them to our cloud infrastructure with just a couple of clicks. As a result, we’ve gotten pretty friendly with Apache 2, virtual hosts, mod_rewrite, proxies and more. Applications built on our platform use OAuth2 over SSL. We support all of the authentication flows even for HTML5/JS applications. Inherently, these applications are considered “untrusted” in any two-legged
Score: 3.372006
Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / BehaviorsBehaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b
Score: 3.205769