Found 282 results for "content-models definitions features"

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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / References

References Forms may use a $ref variable to pull in or include the configuration of another Cloud CMS form (or sub-section of a form). This capability is designed to be compatible with the use of $ref within JSON schema for pulling in alternate schemas or definitions. $ref within schemas Cloud CMS allows you to use the $ref variable within your schemas or definitions to pull in JSON schema blocks from other definitions on the same branch. This is typically done using a QName loader and generally

Score: 2.6295557

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / References

References Forms may use a $ref variable to pull in or include the configuration of another Cloud CMS form (or sub-section of a form). This capability is designed to be compatible with the use of $ref within JSON schema for pulling in alternate schemas or definitions. $ref within schemas Cloud CMS allows you to use the $ref variable within your schemas or definitions to pull in JSON schema blocks from other definitions on the same branch. This is typically done using a QName loader and generally

Score: 2.6295557

Advanced Content Modeling options (example)

Question. If I have the following collections: Categories Products Product_Description_Schemas Each Product is linked to a Category. Each Category is linked to a Product_Description_Schema. The outcome I want to accomplish is that the description schema for Product X I am entering, is defined by the Category it is linked to ( which in turn is defined by the Product_Description_Schema that the Category is linked to ). e.g. Product = Hilton Hotel London, Category = Hotel, Product_Description_Schem

Score: 2.55343

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / API / References

References This page shows examples of using JSON schema $ref markup to reference definitions and other structures within your JSON schema definition to generate more complex and nested schema documents. The $ref convention used by Alpaca builds on top of JSON schema and allows for the $ref value to identify a URI to a remote resource. It also allows you to point to JSON structures within the current document, enabling re-use. Alpaca extends $ref by allowing for additional loaders such as a dict

Score: 2.5501318

How to get a content definition JSON from the Cloud CMS API?

There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is simply use the node GET call and pass in the qname like this: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/nodes/{qname}!/node/get_repositories_repositoryId_branches_branchId_nodes_nodeId This will give you back the JSON for the definition. Another way is to use this variation: GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/definitions/{qname}!/branch/get_repositories_rep

Score: 2.3711705

How does multi-tenancy work?

How does multi-tenancy work? ie I want to have multiple companies with sub-groups of users in each company - to follow, how would we customize the interface for each company? There are two good ways to achieve multi-tenancy with Cloud CMS. - One is to use multiple "projects" - i.e. one per customer. Each project has it's own domain of users and groups, as well as it's own content definitions, instances and ACLs. As such, you can use each project to store the content on a per-client basis. You ca

Score: 2.257908

Definitions for Date format

Our definitions are based on JSON schema and, as such, the default is to use strings for dates. The date controls in our forms engine let you customize the format string so that you can store ISO 8601 or other formats (perhaps simplified formats) as per your preference. The advantage here is simplicity with these controls and compatibility with JSON schema. The disadvantage is that MongoDB provides a lot of very powerful capabilities for range query and sorting that do not play as nicely with th

Score: 2.2577212

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Security / Permissions

Permissions Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit

Score: 2.2359588

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Permissions

Permissions Every data store and object in Cloud CMS maintains access control lists so that you can finely describe the rights of any principal in the system against it. This lets you finely tune the rights of individual users against data stores and objects down to a single permission. This access control is authority-based which means that it's applied by granting authorities (or roles) that a principal has over an object. Let's buckle down on the terminology for a moment: A Permissioned entit

Score: 2.2359588

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / registrations

registrations [ { "config": { "registrations": { "menus": [ { "scope": "platform", "key": "account-context", "text": "Account" }, { "scope": "platform", "key": "archive-subcontext", "text": "Archive" }, { "scope": "platform", "key": "vault-subcontext", "text": "Vault" }, { "scope": "platfo

Score: 2.154632

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / registrations

registrations [ { "config": { "registrations": { "menus": [ { "scope": "platform", "key": "account-context", "text": "Account" }, { "scope": "platform", "key": "archive-subcontext", "text": "Archive" }, { "scope": "platform", "key": "vault-subcontext", "text": "Vault" }, { "scope": "platfo

Score: 2.154632

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 2.1065392

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Definitions / Association Definition

Association Definition An Association Definition describes the schema of a relationship between two nodes. Fundamentally, association instances are JSON objects that conform to the JSON schema of their association definitions. Association definitions allow you to specify the schema of your associations so as to store properties on them. There are primarily two families of associations - a:linked and a:owned, describing linked and owned associations, respectively. A linked association is one in w

Score: 2.1065392

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Bulk Import / Nodes

Nodes The Cloud CMS Bulk Import tool makes it easy to import content from structured data files stored on disk. The Packager API provides several methods which can read content from directories and bulk import that content all in one fell-swoop. This includes content types, content instances and relational information between content items. This is useful for many scenarios including those where you may wish to store a master copy of your foundation content types and content instances for new pr

Score: 2.1065392

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Definitions / Association Definition

Association Definition An Association Definition describes the schema of a relationship between two nodes. Fundamentally, association instances are JSON objects that conform to the JSON schema of their association definitions. Association definitions allow you to specify the schema of your associations so as to store properties on them. There are primarily two families of associations - a:linked and a:owned, describing linked and owned associations, respectively. A linked association is one in w

Score: 2.1065392

Role-based security access

You can configure a Cloud CMS project to provide precise, role-based access to content types and content instances. Let's take a look at example of how this is done! Suppose that you have three users - Jim, Dwight and Michael - and two content types (my:article and my:news). We would like things to work like this: Michael is the boss. He is allowed to view, create, edit and delete content content of all types. Dwight is a worker. He is allowed to view, create, edit and delete content of type "my

Score: 2.0454051

Fine Tuning User Management

Teams provide a very broad way to assign authorities. If a Team grants the Consumer authority, say, it grants that authority over everything in the project. That means all content is readable by anyone on the team. While this is useful in a number of cases, it is also too broad a stroke for more complex scenarios. In a more complex scenario where you wish to limit read access for specific types of content to specific users. To do this, you start by modifying all Teams that a user is a member so

Score: 2.0165188

Enterprise Access Policies in Gitana 4.0 (Part 2)

In this article, we'll continue our series on Access Policies within Gitana. We'll take a few interesting and more complex examples of how Access Policies may be used to guarantee compliance witih enterprise security requirements. In the previous article, we left off looking at how you can grant access to content using Access Policies that are defined at either a Platform or Project-level. Platform-scoped policies can be written once and applied across all of your Projects. In this way, you can

Score: 1.9730378

How to unpublish content

Cloud CMS provides a range of options for making content available to your presentation tier. The most common scenarios are: 1) Use the Publishing setup within Cloud CMS; Workflow, Lifecycle states, deployment configurations. With Publishing Enabled for a project, there are 2 simple workflows: `simple publish` and `simple unpublish`. See the Publishing example for further details:

Score: 1.9338768

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / User Interface / Projects / Copy a Project

Copy a Project To copy a project, first bring up the list of Projects within your Platform by clicking on the Projects link on the left-hand menu. Find the Project you wish to copy in the list of Projects. Once you've found the Project, select it by clicking on the checkbox on the left-hand side. Then click on the Selected... dropdown and pick "Copy Project": This will bring up the Copy Project Wizard. Give your new Project a Title and a Description and then click Copy. Your Project will be copi

Score: 1.9212037

Gitana / 4.0 / User Interface / Projects / Copy a Project

Copy a Project To copy a project, first bring up the list of Projects within your Platform by clicking on the Projects link on the left-hand menu. Find the Project you wish to copy in the list of Projects. Once you've found the Project, select it by clicking on the checkbox on the left-hand side. Then click on the Selected... dropdown and pick "Copy Project": This will bring up the Copy Project Wizard. Give your new Project a Title and a Description and then click Copy. Your Project will be copi

Score: 1.9212037

Product Releases - Gitana

Product Releases - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance and c

Score: 1.9027613

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Getting Started / Workspaces

Workspaces Everything you do with content is done within a workspace. When you create content or modify content definitions, it is all done inside of a workspace. Workspaces are isolated from one another so that different teams can make changes to things without stepping on each other's toes. By default, there is a master workspace where everything happens. You can create new workspaces at any time. When you create a workspace, Cloud CMS remembers the point in time when the new workspace was cre

Score: 1.8828739

Gitana / 4.0 / Getting Started / Working with Content / Branches

Branches Everything you do with content is done within a workspace. When you create content or modify content definitions, it is all done inside of a workspace. Workspaces are isolated from one another so that different teams can make changes to things without stepping on each other's toes. By default, there is a master workspace where everything happens. You can create new workspaces at any time. When you create a workspace, Cloud CMS remembers the point in time when the new workspace was creat

Score: 1.8828739

Content Entry Forms Example

Cloud CMS lets you easily design and deploy forms for your web applications and content contributors. In this blog entry, we’ll walk through how you can do this within the Cloud CMS user interface. In this example, we’ll create a form that allows editors to create City Guide information. Note: in the Cloud CMS Trial there is a City Guide Content definition which can be used as a starting point or as a reference for this example. Add a Definition The Content Definitions can be found in the Cloud

Score: 1.8335056