Found 452 results for "access-policies conditions property"

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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 22.407736

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions

Conditions Conditions provide a way for Rules to evaluate their content and their environment prior to determining whether to proceed with the execution of their Actions. A Condition might be a simple check such as checking to see whether the current content item has a certain property value. But it also might consist of more complex logic chains utilizing and and or blocks. Cloud CMS provides a number of out-of-the-box Conditions: And Merge Node Has Attachment Or Property Changed Property Compa

Score: 22.407736

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Property

Property This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The property condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to entities where a specific property matches a value. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single ID or wildcard expressions within an ID. Configuration { "type": "property", "config": { "property": "{property name}", "value": "{property value or regex}" } } Samples This policy docu

Score: 13.237545

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Property

Property This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The property condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to entities where a specific property matches a value. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single ID or wildcard expressions within an ID. Configuration { "type": "property", "config": { "property": "{property name}", "value": "{property value or regex}" } } Samples This policy docu

Score: 13.237545

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 11.423568

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 11.423568

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions

Conditions This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 Access Policy Conditions And Branch Changeset Data Store Feature ID Locale Not Or Path Project Property Reference Type Type QName

Score: 10.364136

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions

Conditions This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 Access Policy Conditions And Branch Changeset Data Store Feature ID Locale Not Or Path Project Property Reference Type Type QName

Score: 10.364136

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / Property Changed

Property Changed The propertyChanged condition tests whether a property on a node changed its value in a prescribed way. You can use this condition to test if a node property changed at all, from a specific value or to a specific value (or both). JSON Schema { "title": "Property Changed", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name", "required": true }, "oldValue": { "type": "string",

Score: 5.0336494

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions / Property Changed

Property Changed The propertyChanged condition tests whether a property on a node changed its value in a prescribed way. You can use this condition to test if a node property changed at all, from a specific value or to a specific value (or both). JSON Schema { "title": "Property Changed", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name", "required": true }, "oldValue": { "type": "string",

Score: 5.0336494

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Set Property

Set Property ID: setProperty Sets a property on a node. { "title": "Set Property", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "value": { "type": "any", "title": "Property Value" } } }

Score: 5.031654

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Set Property

Set Property ID: setProperty Sets a property on a node. { "title": "Set Property", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "value": { "type": "any", "title": "Property Value" } } }

Score: 5.031654

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / Property Equals

Property Equals The propertyEquals condition tests whether a node property is equal to a given value. JSON Schema { "title": "Property Equals", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "value": { "type": "string", "title": "Value" } } } Example #1 Suppose you wanted to test whether a node has a property called published which was set to true. You could set up the condit

Score: 5.026645

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions / Property Equals

Property Equals The propertyEquals condition tests whether a node property is equal to a given value. JSON Schema { "title": "Property Equals", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "value": { "type": "string", "title": "Value" } } } Example #1 Suppose you wanted to test whether a node has a property called published which was set to true. You could set up the condit

Score: 5.026645

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Remove Property

Remove Property ID: removeProperty Removes a property from a node. { "title": "Remove Property", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" } } }

Score: 5.0233836

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Remove Property

Remove Property ID: removeProperty Removes a property from a node. { "title": "Remove Property", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" } } }

Score: 5.0233836

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Conditions / Property Comparison

Property Comparison The propertyComparison condition tests whether a given property matches a comparison to a given value. You can use this to test whether a value is greater than or less than another value (among other operations). JSON Schema { "title": "Property Comparison", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "comparison": { "type": "string", "title": "Comparison",

Score: 5.017496

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Conditions / Property Comparison

Property Comparison The propertyComparison condition tests whether a given property matches a comparison to a given value. You can use this to test whether a value is greater than or less than another value (among other operations). JSON Schema { "title": "Property Comparison", "properties": { "property": { "type": "string", "title": "Property Name" }, "comparison": { "type": "string", "title": "Comparison",

Score: 5.017496

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Policies / Property Policies

Property Policies Property policies provide places where you can hook in behaviors that trigger when a property is created, updated or deleted. They allow you to get very granular about when you custom code is invoked - such as only when a specific property in your content is affected. The following property policies are available: Policy QName Description p:beforeCreateProperty Raised before a property on a node is created p:afterCreateProperty Raised after a property on a node is created p:bef

Score: 5.0111027

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Policies / Property Policies

Property Policies Property policies provide places where you can hook in behaviors that trigger when a property is created, updated or deleted. They allow you to get very granular about when you custom code is invoked - such as only when a specific property in your content is affected. The following property policies are available: Policy QName Description p:beforeCreateProperty Raised before a property on a node is created p:afterCreateProperty Raised after a property on a node is created p:bef

Score: 5.0111027

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Property Mapping

Property Mapping QName: f:property-mapping Automates the assignment or mapping of property values from one end of an association to the other. This feature is added to an association (or an association definition) to set up an automatically maintained mapping of values from a "from" node to a "to" node. The feature allows for multiple mappings to be defined. When the defined "from" node is updated, it's property value is automatically copied or mapped into the "to" node's recipient property. The

Score: 4.950545

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Property Mapping

Property Mapping QName: f:property-mapping Automates the assignment or mapping of property values from one end of an association to the other. This feature is added to an association (or an association definition) to set up an automatically maintained mapping of values from a "from" node to a "to" node. The feature allows for multiple mappings to be defined. When the defined "from" node is updated, it's property value is automatically copied or mapped into the "to" node's recipient property. The

Score: 4.950545

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Decrement Property Value

Decrement Property Value ID: decrementPropertyValue { "title": "Decrement Property Value", "properties": { "property": { "title": "Property Name", "type": "string" } } }

Score: 4.366836

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions / Increment Property Value

Increment Property Value ID: incrementPropertyValue { "title": "Increment Property Value", "properties": { "property": { "title": "Property Name", "type": "string" } } }

Score: 4.366836

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions / Decrement Property Value

Decrement Property Value ID: decrementPropertyValue { "title": "Decrement Property Value", "properties": { "property": { "title": "Property Name", "type": "string" } } }

Score: 4.366836