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Enterprise Data Engine - Gitana

Enterprise Data Engine - Gitana Status Releases Registry Blog Cloud CMS Platform Content Management Create, Approve and Publish quality content to production on-time. Easy editorial and workflow tools let your best work reach your customers. Enterprise Data Engine Manage, collaborate, search and distribute your highly-structured data across branches, versions and workflow-driven lifecycle. Automate Automate your content creation and approval flows while taking advantage of AI services to enhance

Score: 1.1139452

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / content-instances-list-selected-actions

content-instances-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "content-instances-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ], "order": 10000 } ] } }, { "config": { "content-instances-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete-content", "order": 100000, "allowPermission": [ "delete"

Score: 1.1079519

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / content-instances-list-selected-actions

content-instances-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "content-instances-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ], "order": 10000 } ] } }, { "config": { "content-instances-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete-content", "order": 100000, "allowPermission": [ "delete"

Score: 1.1079519

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Changeset

Changeset This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The changeset condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are written onto a matching changeset. The changeset can be matched using its ID (_doc). This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a changeset by ID: { "type": "changeset", "config": { "id": "{

Score: 1.0960816

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Locale

Locale This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The locale condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to content nodes that have a matching locale. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single path, sub paths or arbitrary matching path structures. Configuration { "type": "locale", "config": { "locale": "{value regex}" } } Samples This policy document grants the Consumer role to all content with l

Score: 1.0960816

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Changeset

Changeset This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The changeset condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are written onto a matching changeset. The changeset can be matched using its ID (_doc). This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a changeset by ID: { "type": "changeset", "config": { "id": "{

Score: 1.0960816

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Security / Access Policies / Conditions / Locale

Locale This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The locale condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to content nodes that have a matching locale. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single path, sub paths or arbitrary matching path structures. Configuration { "type": "locale", "config": { "locale": "{value regex}" } } Samples This policy document grants the Consumer role to all content with l

Score: 1.0960816

Fine Tuning User Management

Teams provide a very broad way to assign authorities. If a Team grants the Consumer authority, say, it grants that authority over everything in the project. That means all content is readable by anyone on the team. While this is useful in a number of cases, it is also too broad a stroke for more complex scenarios. In a more complex scenario where you wish to limit read access for specific types of content to specific users. To do this, you start by modifying all Teams that a user is a member so

Score: 1.0920389

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Command Line / Transfer Commands

Transfer Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: export content from Cloud CMS as an Archive import content into new Cloud CMS environments using that Archive Archives consist of ZIP files that store a full capture of the exported content. Archives may consist of an entire snapshot export or they may be partial (spanning date ranges or changeset ranges in the case of Repositories). The Cloud CMS Transfer Services make

Score: 1.0908284

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / Command Line Interface / Transfer Commands

Transfer Commands The Cloud CMS command-line tool provides developers with a command-line driven mechanism that allows them to: export content from Cloud CMS as an Archive import content into new Cloud CMS environments using that Archive Archives consist of ZIP files that store a full capture of the exported content. Archives may consist of an entire snapshot export or they may be partial (spanning date ranges or changeset ranges in the case of Repositories). The Cloud CMS Transfer Services make

Score: 1.0908284

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / API / Formats

Formats Cloud CMS supports request and response payloads in a multitude of formats, including: Text Formats JSON XML YAML CSV Java Properties Binary Formats Apache Avro CBOR MessagePack Smile If not otherwise specified, JSON is the assumed payload serialization format. Once received, Cloud CMS will convert the incoming request payload (from one of the formats above) to JSON. Internally, Cloud CMS works with JSON throughout its service and DAO layer. Once the operations are complete, the response

Score: 1.0893602

The Beauty of Cloud CMS Chaining

Chaining is a common technique that has been widely adopted by modern JavaScript libraries to chain method calls together. The goal of chaining is to produce elegant and concise code that is easy to understand or maintain. For example, if you are a jQuery developer, you may produce similar code like this on daily basis. $('#mydiv').empty().html('Hello Word!').css('font-size','10px'); However, most popular JavaScript libraries only support “static” chaining, e.g. DOM object manipulation. If the m

Score: 1.0873114

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / documents-list-selected-actions

documents-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ] } ] } }, { "evaluator": "document-is-folder", "condition": true, "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete_documents", "allowPermission": [ "delete" ]

Score: 1.084463

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / documents-list-selected-actions

documents-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ] } ] } }, { "evaluator": "document-is-folder", "condition": true, "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete_documents", "allowPermission": [ "delete" ]

Score: 1.084463

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Content Modeling / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 1.0791925

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Inline Links

Inline Links QName: f:inline-links Adds support for automatic text parsing and discovery and tracking of linked references within text-based markup (referred to here as "inline links"). When this feature is present on a node, any persistence operations (such as create or update) will run some additional logic over your text fields. If text is discovered, it is potentially parsed and the discovered contents of the text are inspected for inline links. If your text fields contain HTML, the HTML is

Score: 1.0791925

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Forms / Fields / File Picker

File Picker ID: file-picker The file-picker field type renders a modal picker for a file. This uses the File Folder service within Cloud CMS to let you browse through folder-based navigation. A breadcrumb is rendered at the top to help users step through the folder hierarchy. Sample configuration: { "type": "file-picker" } As with the node picker, the file picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the lat

Score: 1.0791925

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Inline Links

Inline Links QName: f:inline-links Adds support for automatic text parsing and discovery and tracking of linked references within text-based markup (referred to here as "inline links"). When this feature is present on a node, any persistence operations (such as create or update) will run some additional logic over your text fields. If text is discovered, it is potentially parsed and the discovered contents of the text are inspected for inline links. If your text fields contain HTML, the HTML is

Score: 1.0791925

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Content Models / Behaviors

Behaviors Cloud CMS lets you wire in behaviors behind your content models so that rules automatically execute when your content is touched. Content editors work with simple forms to create content that conforms to your defined content models. When that content is created, updated or deleted, it automatically triggers policies (or events) which you use to bind in custom behaviors. In this way, the developers can wire up behaviors and the editorial team never needs to know about it. Furthermore, b

Score: 1.0791925

Gitana / 4.0 / Forms / CMS / Fields / File Picker

File Picker ID: file-picker The file-picker field type renders a modal picker for a file. This uses the File Folder service within Cloud CMS to let you browse through folder-based navigation. A breadcrumb is rendered at the top to help users step through the folder hierarchy. Sample configuration: { "type": "file-picker" } As with the node picker, the file picker should be modeled on top of either an object or an array field. The former is used for selection of a single node whereas the lat

Score: 1.0791925

WCM and Caching

In Dust, there is the notion of a context which has a stack running underneath it. As you drill down into tags, a new context is pushed that can write new context variables as well as access previous variables from previous stack frames. What we're doing in cloudcms-server is providing a dependency tracker so that each tag gets to declare the output (the HTML that was generated) and the set of dependencies that it depended on in order to generate the output. As an example, a query might run an u

Score: 1.0692129

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Features / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 1.0619495

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Access Policies / Conditions / Branch

Branch This section describes features that are coming in 4.0 The branch condition allows you to constrain a policy statement so that it applies to nodes and/or associations that are on a matching branch. The branch can be matched using its ID (_doc), title or alias. This condition supports regular expressions, allowing you to focus in on a single value or wildcard expressions for matches. Configuration To match a branch by ID: { "type": "branch", "config": { "id": "{value regex}

Score: 1.0619495

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Workflow / Workflow Handlers / Move Node

Move Node Type: moveNode This handler moves nodes that are part of a workflow's payload to a target container. The target container can be identified either by a node ID or a node path. The config for this handler is as follows: { "targetNodeId": "", "targetOffsetPath": "" } If targetOffsetPath is specified, then targetNodeId is the root node to calculate the offset against. If targetNodeId is not provided, the default repository root is used. Here is an exa

Score: 1.0619495

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Aspects / Locked

Locked QName: f:locked Applied to a node to indicate that it has been locked. A locked node is one that a user has specifically requested the lock for. If the lock is granted, the node will only be editable by the owner of the lock. The lock may only be released by the owner of the lock or a manager/administrator of the branch. It is not necessary to work with the f:locked feature directly. Locking and unlocking are handled through specific API calls that check whether such modifications are all

Score: 1.0619495