Found 121 results for "ui-dev actions new_folder"

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Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 16.67518

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides an Action framework that lets you kick off Actions that perform content operations on your behalf. Actions are units of work that are typically fired off as a result of an event handler or listener. For example, you might register an Action that triggers when a piece of content is updated or when a workflow task transitions. The Action might do something like Send an Email or Fire off a Web Hook. The Cloud CMS Action framework aspires to provide complete units of work

Score: 16.67518

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions / new_folder

new_folder ID: new_folder This brings up the New Folder wizard that guides users through the process of creating a new folder within the currently viewed folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. The newly created folder is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "new_folder", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 11.48862

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions / new_folder

new_folder ID: new_folder This brings up the New Folder wizard that guides users through the process of creating a new folder within the currently viewed folder. This wizard is aware of the currently viewed folder and the current user and derives its behavior based off of those contexts. The newly created folder is created as a child of the current folder. Sample Code var UI = require("ui"); var actionContext = {}; UI.startAction(observableHolder, "new_folder", actionContext, function(err) {

Score: 11.48862

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides a large number of actions that can be bound to links sections within configuration blocks. This allows you to customize dropdowns, button toolbars and action links at various places within the user interface. It also provides a way for you to override action implementation classes for your own users. assign_access_policy change-password create_access_policy create_document delete_access_policies new_folder unassign_access_policy

Score: 10.264635

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Actions

Actions Cloud CMS provides a large number of actions that can be bound to links sections within configuration blocks. This allows you to customize dropdowns, button toolbars and action links at various places within the user interface. It also provides a way for you to override action implementation classes for your own users. assign_access_policy change-password create_access_policy create_document delete_access_policies new_folder unassign_access_policy

Score: 10.264635

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 10.203847

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Behaviors / Rules

Rules Content Rules provide a way for you to wire in business logic behind the content graph. Once they're set up, rules run automatically as content is created, updated and deleted within your branch. Rules are content nodes with a JSON payload the describes the Conditions and Actions to be triggered. As with all behaviors, Rule nodes must implement the f:behavior feature. They must be bound to a node upon which to act (either a definition node or a content instance) using a a:has_behavior asso

Score: 10.203847

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / actions

actions [ { "config": { "actions": { "create-content": { "title": "Create a New Content Instance" } } } } ]```

Score: 6.6920624

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / actions

actions [ { "config": { "actions": { "create-content": { "title": "Create a New Content Instance" } } } } ]```

Score: 6.6920624

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Branches / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 6.6207867

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Branches / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 6.6207867

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Releases / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 6.50595

Gitana / 4.0 / Data Engine / Releases / Actions

Actions You can optionally configure Actions that execute when a release goes live. Some actions support variables. The following variables are always available: release - a JSON object of the release along with all metadata about the release releaseId - the ID of the release object branchId - the ID of the release branch snapshot - the ID of the snapshot that was generated after merge The following Actions are supported: Send Email Fire Web Hook For each action, you need to provide a configurat

Score: 6.50595

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / Scripting / Actions

Actions Properties There are no properties for this class. Methods execute Usage object execute() Arguments None Return Type Description object Examples Change the type of a Node In this example, we fire off the changeType action to change the type of a node to custom:thing. actions.execute("changeType", { "node": node, "type": "custom:thing" });

Score: 6.5018234


Actions Properties There are no properties for this class. Methods execute Usage object execute() Arguments None Return Type Description object Examples Change the type of a Node In this example, we fire off the changeType action to change the type of a node to custom:thing. actions.execute("changeType", { "node": node, "type": "custom:thing" });

Score: 6.5018234

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / document-actions

document-actions [ { "evaluator": "and", "condition": [ { "evaluator": "not", "condition": { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:multilingual" } }, { "evaluator": "not", "condition": { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:translation" } }, { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:locale" } ], "

Score: 5.935863

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / document-actions

document-actions [ { "evaluator": "and", "condition": [ { "evaluator": "not", "condition": { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:multilingual" } }, { "evaluator": "not", "condition": { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:translation" } }, { "evaluator": "document-has-feature", "condition": "f:locale" } ], "

Score: 5.935863

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / documents-list-item-actions

documents-list-item-actions [ { "evaluator": "document-is-favorite", "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "favorite", "iconClass": "fa fa-star", "action": "remove-from-favorites", "order": 9000 } ] } }, { "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "edit-document", "link": "/#/projects/{{project._doc}}/documents/{{document._doc}}/properties",

Score: 4.838562

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / documents-list-item-actions

documents-list-item-actions [ { "evaluator": "document-is-favorite", "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "favorite", "iconClass": "fa fa-star", "action": "remove-from-favorites", "order": 9000 } ] } }, { "config": { "documents-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "edit-document", "link": "/#/projects/{{project._doc}}/documents/{{document._doc}}/properties",

Score: 4.838562

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / documents-list-selected-actions

documents-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ] } ] } }, { "evaluator": "document-is-folder", "condition": true, "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete_documents", "allowPermission": [ "delete" ]

Score: 4.774802

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / documents-list-selected-actions

documents-list-selected-actions [ { "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "deploy-nodes", "allowPermission": [ "deploy", "undeploy" ] } ] } }, { "evaluator": "document-is-folder", "condition": true, "config": { "documents-list-selected-actions": [ { "action": "delete_documents", "allowPermission": [ "delete" ]

Score: 4.774802

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / workspaces-list-item-actions

workspaces-list-item-actions [ { "config": { "workspaces-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "switch-to-workspace", "action": "switch-to-workspace", "iconClass": "fa fa-exchange" } ] } } ]```

Score: 4.7578516

Gitana / 4.0 / Developers / User Interface Customization / Contexts / workspaces-list-item-actions

workspaces-list-item-actions [ { "config": { "workspaces-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "switch-to-workspace", "action": "switch-to-workspace", "iconClass": "fa fa-exchange" } ] } } ]```

Score: 4.7578516

Gitana / 3.2 / Guide / Guide / UI Developers Guide / Contexts / content-instances-list-item-actions

content-instances-list-item-actions [ { "evaluator": "document-is-favorite", "config": { "content-instances-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "favorite", "iconClass": "fa fa-star", "action": "remove-from-favorites", "order": 9000 } ] } }, { "evaluator": "document-is-folder", "condition": true, "config": { "content-instances-list-item-actions": [ { "key": "folder", "ico

Score: 4.5312624